Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of music blaring from the garage. I don't even know if I would call it music. Maybe noise, or commotion. I looked at the clock and it was 8:45. Ugh, my weekend alarm clock didn't go off until 9:00 and that noise took away 15 minuets of my sleep time.

I went downstairs to find an empty house. I walked over to the kitchen table to find a note left by my mum saying she went to the store and would be back later.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a jug of milk and a glass from the cubbert and made my self a glass of milk and headed toward the 'noise'.

When I got to the garage I opened the door a crack and found Louis playing his electric guitar I got him, along with Zayn playing the base guitar and Josh playing the drums. From what it looked like it seems that they were in a band together. They all had microphones but Louis was singing the most out of the three. The were singing and playing to what sounds like rock music.

I stood there watching and drinking my milk until I saw Louis look at me through the crack on the door. I quickly stepped away and walked to the kitchen to discard my cup and then I went to my room.

When I got in my room I plugged my iPod into my player and turned the volume up to distract myself from the buzzing noise from downstairs.

The song 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran came on and I started listening to it before I started singing along with it.

"White lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes. Burnt lungs, sad taste."

"Lights gone, days end, struggling to pay rent. Lone nights, strange men."

"They say she's in the class A Team, stuck in her daydream, been this way since A Team but lately, her face seems, slowly sinking wasting, crumbling like pastries but they seem, the worst things in life come free to us cause just under the upper hand, I go mad for a couple grams, and she don't wanna go outside, tonight, and in pipe she flies to the mother land, and sells love to another man, it's to co-o-old out side for angels to fly."

"Angels to fly-y-y-y-y"

Louis POV

After Harry left the garage I decided for us to take a 5 minuet break so I can go talk to Harry.

When I got up to Harry's room I was just about to knock on his door when I heard somebody singing. I quietly opened the door to find Harry sitting in his chair by the window singing.

I listened to him sing for a while, it reminding me about the first time I heard him sing when we were next door in my room. he sang 'let her go' by passenger. His voice was amazing!

This time he was singing to what sounded like 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran. His voice was still memorizing. His voice matching eds pitch perfectly, his voice clear with perfect raspiness to it.

Harry's POV

The song had just finished and I sat there staring out my window.

"That was amazing Harry!" a voice shouted. I jumped up and turned around startled.

"What? You heard me?" I asked starring at him wide eyed.

"Yeah! Yeah I came up to apologize for us probably waking you, and then I heard you sing! Just like the first time I heard you sing the song let her go by passenger, you were amazing! You really have a special talent Harry."

"You remember the song I sang when u first came here?" I said a little surprised he still remembered.

"Well yeah! of course I remember," he stepped closer. "I never forget anything about you." He stared into my eyes. We stood thee for a while until we both heard a guitar strum really loud from the garage making both of us jump back.

"Lou get your arse down here to rehearse!" Zayn shouted. Louis quickly turned around and walked away without saying anything.


The day went on slowly. I tried to read and do other things but I kept getting distracted by Louis' band 'rehearsing'.

I decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I put on my hoodie and my converse before grabbing my keys and leaving the flat. I was walking for a little while until I heard a very familiar laugh.

I stopped in my tracks. "Niall?" I looked around for the voice. I heard it again. I turned around and saw the a familiar blonde boy walking with another boy hand in hand.

"NIALL!" I shouted running towards them. Niall looked up and it really was him.

"HARRY!" He shouted back letting go of the hand he was holding and running after me. we finally reached each thee and embraced each other in a crushing bear hug.

I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, but I didn't care because I was finally reunited with my best friend! Since we graduated last year I haven't seem him since. Over the summer he went on vacation to the Bahamas, and after summer ended I've been looking into collages and have been busy with 'new family' stuff and El. I'm surprised we haven't kept in touch but that's ok because it makes now all the more special!

"I can't believe this! I haven't seen you in forever mate!" Niall says, his Irish accent thick.

"I know I've missed you so much!" I finally released from our hug when the boy with him walked up to us.

"Oh Harry, this is Liam, my boyfriend!" he wrapped one arm around the boys shoulder. he had shorter brown hair, with a thicker stubble on his face. I have to admit, he is an attractive fellow but I don't think he's my type. And since I have Eleanor I don't really know what I like right now.

When Niall introduced us to each other, all Liam did was shilly smile and nod his head, showing that he was a bit shy.

"Liam Harry here is my best friend! He has been since grade 7." Niall said patting my shoulder. I just half smiled walking a bit in front of the two.

"So where are you lads headed?" I asked breaking some silence.

"Nowhere specific why?" he asked, his hand interlocked with Liam's.

"Would you guys like to come to my new house? My mum and I just moved in with her boyfriend and son, and I would like to show you it. Louis and his 'friends' should be done rehearsing by now." I said rolling my eyes and tensing at the word friends.

"Sure! Is Louis your mums boyfriend's son?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah him and two friends of his are in a band and have been practicing all day! That's why I left for a walk, to much commotion and noise." I said with a little laugh.

"Well we would love to meet him and his friends! maybe we can all become friends!" Niall said excited.

My eyes widened at his words. "Friends? Mates?" I sighed "oh I don't know, his friends are kind of...well...they aren't really our type. They are really punk rock type of boys." I said trying by to sound to rude about it.

"Oh," Nialls face turned stern. "Well we will just have to see how it all goes!" Niall said as he skipped down the side walk. Liam just walked behind

following him as I tried to catch up.


YAY! Niam!!!! I have started to really like Niam so I had to put them in together!

My favorite/hard core ships are Larry and Narry! I'm also starting to like Ziall and Niam!

What are your guys favorite/hard core ships? Comment and tell me!!!





*horan hug*


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