Chapter 5

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Urgh" I said as I turned off my alarm clock. Today was Sunday. Today is the day my mom scheduled for us to go out to Mike and Louis' house to look the place around. Yes I was happy because I could see Louis again and hangout. But I was also dreading it for the same exact reasons.

I went to the shower, stripped of my close, turned the water on, and hopped it. I let it run down me for about 5 minuets before I started cleaning myself and my hair. When I finished my shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and brushed my hair. Then I went to my room to change. I put on some black skinny jeans with a white tee and a grey hoddie. It was chilly out and raining so I wanted to be covered.


It took about 2 hours tops to arrive at Louis' house. When we got there a big black dog was tied to a leash on a pole barking. Frankly I was a little frightened so I quickly walked to the porch avoiding the dog as best as possible. My mum came up behind me and rang the doorbell. We waited there for about 15 seconds until someone opened the door.

"Why hello there come on in!" It was Mike who greater us. We did as he said and walked in. When we got inside we both looked around the open area. It was nice. A good size home. But at the same was...disturbing. It has motorcycle accessories on the walls and Harley Davidson signs to. The walls are dark and depressing. I had to admit that I kind of feel uncomfortable being here. It feels so unsafe...I don't even know.

"You have a...nice home Mike." I said nervously.

"Yeah it's pretty good" he said slapping my shoulder playfully. I winced at the touch. It hurt and could probably leave a bruise.

"Dad is that Anne and Harry?" A voice said coming down the hall. Once he approached i couldn't help but look at him. He wore black skinny jeans like me but he wore a black tank shirt to show off his muscles and tattoos.

"Louis how about you go show Harry your room while Anne and I chat." Mike said wrapping his arm around my mum. I nodded in unison with Louis as we headed down the hallway.

At the end of the hallway was a door that had signs on it as well. One said 'Keep out' and another said 'DANGER' it freaked me out a little but I walked in with him anyway. When I walk in its frightening. I see skull heads, chains, heavy metal band posters and more disturbing 'punk-like' things. The music is blasting but I can't tell what's playing. Over by his closet I also see an acoustic and electric guitar with an amp.

"W'dya think?" He says as he spins around slowly presenting my room. "It's uh...nice?" I say but comes out more as a question.

"It's not your style? I know...I've seen your room. It's so..." He pauses and the just walls over to his acoustic guitar and starts strumming it. "D'you play?" He asks looking up at me briefly. I shake my head while he starts to strum again. I listen for a while why he strums some chords but then it turns into a song I recognize. its 'Let her Go' by passenger.

I really love this song. It's so passionate and meaningful. Without even noticing I start singing along as he strums.

"You only need the light when it's burning low. You only miss the sun when it starts to snow. You only know you love her when you let her go...and you let her go."

I sing while my eyes are closed. All of the sudden I hear the music stop so I stop and look up to see Louis sitting there staring at me.

"What?" I ask feeling slightly insecure with him staring at me.

"Y-your's amazing! You can really sing Harry!" He says setting his guitar down on his bed. He then walks over to me and rests his left hand on my right shoulder.

"Can I show you something?" He asks as he points to the door. I nod and follow him out of the hallway into this one back room to a door that Louis opens that has a staircase going to a basement I'm assuming. We walk down in the pitch black and once we get down there Louis turns on a light revealing a beautiful old fashioned red sports car. My eyes widened at the sight. In front of a car was a garage door.

"W-wow...what's this?" I was amazed. This car was glorious!

"It's my sports grand-mum gave it to me before she got ill." He lowered his head and I saw hip wipe away at his eye. "Oh's ok. I understand what you are going through" I gave him a hug. It was kind of shocking for how I've known him I have never seen him this sad or sensitive before. He hugged me back and whispered a 'thank you' in my ear.

We pulled apart and looked into each others eyes before he broke the silence. "C'mon I want to show you something." We both hopped in the car and drove off down the road. We drove for about 10 minuets until we reached a mountain like hill. We hopped out of the car and started to walk up it. Once we got to the top, it was even more beautiful then back at the garage. At the top of the hill was a view of the lake with the sun shinning in the back. There were birds and the water was glimmering in the sunlight.

"Wow...I-I don't know what to's beautiful!" I couldn't take my eyes off the view. "I know...this is where I go to calm my nerves, to think, or just to get away from everything." Louis got up and walked over to a hollow type tree and pulled out a guitar case. He walked over and sat back down next to me. He pulled out the guitar from its case and started strumming. "I keep it in there for whenever I need it." He said as he strummed.

"You and I, we don't want to be like them. We can make it till the end. Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the gods above can separate the two of us. No nothing can come between you and I." He sang as he played on his acoustic. I sat there watching him play. This song was so beautiful. He was beautiful.

He finished playing and looked back up at me. "That was beautiful." I said still watching him. He sat his guitar on the side on top of the case. He scooted forward and stared into my eyes. For a while we just sat there staring into each others eyes. I could tell he was studying me. His pale blue eyes starting into my green ones. Suddenly Louis broke the silence.

"Your beautiful." then seconds later my lips were connected to his as we sat in the sunset. His lips were warm and soft. I have to admit that I likes how his lips for with mine. I was kind of surprised at his actions, but I kissed him back.

We pulled apart and when I opened my eyes I was met with his soft ones. His eyes dazed and lips plump. It was magic. And I wanted to do it all over again.



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Love you guys!


-Abby & Bri

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