A-Z German Brothers

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so...yeah! Unless there's a high demand for germancest then I'll maybe do a bit.

So I did a A-Z before, finished it and promise to finish this one!

(Might be slow updates, winter sport)

So enjoy part one!

A: Always

It was a mild summer day in Prussia and Gil was home for once. He stood and looked out the window in his study, where he had a view of the surrounding land and Ludwig.

Ludwig and the cook's son were sparring with wooden swords out on the grass, and Gil watched every placement of Ludwig's feet, every slash, jab, dodge and block, evaluating it.

Ludwig did not know Gil was watching, but he still tried hard sparring. He had a lot to live up to seeing his older brother was a master of the blade. He yearned to please Gil, make him proud. The albino was a good brother, but he wasn't the most vocal with affection.

Ludwig just wanted to make him proud; he worked hard for the little praise he got. He didn't mind, it was how Gil was. He had come to understand that, even if he didn't like it.

Just like Gil had to understand Ludwig would be in his bed every night and would cry every time he left for war.

While neither would say anything, they loved each other. Gil only had Ludwig, and Ludwig only had Gil. In fact, he didn't want anyone else. He felt safe here with the stoic, militaristic, egotistical Prussian. Gil was a good big brother, no matter what anyone else said.

Ludwig missed his block and the wooden sword smacked his wrist with a good deal of force. He yelped in pain and dropped his sword, holding his wrist gingerly. The other boy looked scared and ran.

The cook's boy knew Gil would somehow appear within moments, and he feared the wrath of the elder brother. Gil might not look like he was soft, but his weak spot was his little brother. He might be all manly and macho, but not around Ludwig. He dropped it with him, when they were alone.

Gil did bolt from the study and in moments he was out on the field and kneeling before Ludwig, who was still standing and holding his wrist, tears streaming down his face.

He didn't make a sound, just silent tears that really tore at Gil.

Gil gently pulled the bruising wrist to where he could see it. Ludwig trusted him and let him. Another thing Gil had learned was Ludwig trusted no one besides Gil to tend his wounds.

"It might be broken Luddy." He said softly, looking into his brothers blue eyes.

Ludwig's lip trembled, scared of what that meant. Gil sighed and picked him up "Don't cry it'll be fine ok?"

He was quiet as Gil took him inside and set him down on a counter, leaving him there to find the stores of medical supplies.

Ludwig wasn't just crying because it hurt. He also had screwed up and gotten hurt. Now he was a problem again, inconvenient. He had failed the fight and didn't make his brother proud. Would Gil leave him? Take him back to the field where he was found and abandon him? Gil might only have Ludwig, but that didn't mean the albino wouldn't leave him. He could find a better little kid.

By the time Gil came back with casting materials Ludwig was sobbing on the counter. He hated the sound of kids crying.

"Ludwig!" he said, a little loud. The blonde boy jumped and looked at Gil with big scared eyes.

Gil sighed and put his materials down and hugged the little boy. Ludwig's good hand clung to Gil's shirt, afraid he would leave. He didn't want to be alone. He wanted Gil.

Gilbert sighed and just kept hugging him, holding him close, being as comforting as he could. He whispered soft little things, just to get Ludwig calm.

Eventually the boy just blurted his feelings out "My arm hurts! B-but I'm scared you w-will leave me b-back where you f-found me because I'm n-no good and a-annoy you. I failed at s-sword fighting a-and I d-don't make you proud a-and I want too! D-don't leave me!"

Gil listened to him; he looked him in the eye with a clam expression and listened to every tear filled word. When Ludwig finally was quiet, Gil took the broken wrist and gently set it back to place, earning a scream of pain that tore his heart.

Then he splinted it, and wrapped it snugly. Ludwig was quiet, besides for his crying. Gil hadn't answered him, did that mean he was going to leave? Every time Gil left for war a part of him thought Gil was just leaving because he hated him. Mostly he was just afraid Gil would die.

Gil looked at Ludwig, putting his hand to the boy's face and speaking softly. He left all his pride and arrogance out of his words, being true and sincere.

"Ludwig I will never leave you. You are my little brother now, you are my family. The only family I really have. I have a lot to do, protect. I never had a little brother, I do not know how to do this all...but I will try my hardest. I do not care that you lost your sword fight; I am worried that you hurt your arm. You do not annoy me...I just... I need to look tough you know? I will have to leave to fight, but I will always come back. I promise. Every time I leave I will come back, dead or alive, I come back to you. You are good, you are the best little brother I could have. Ludwig, I will always be around. I will always be here for you."

He sniffled and hugged Gil gently, face against his chest. "The other boy ran away... I think he knew you were coming."

Gil smirked a bit. "Whenever you are hurt, I will be there. Whenever you are lost, I'll show you the way. Whenever there is a thunderstorm I will be there with some awesome story to distract you. I will always be your big brother, no matter what happens. You will have me, I will protect you. Save you. Be there. No matter what you need, I'll be here. I'll always love you."

Ludwig looked up at him, his tears gone now, but face still red "Always?" he asked quietly.

Gil nodded and smiled softly, kissing his forehead "Always."

As always, please vote and comment! Love feedback!

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