L: Love

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L: Love

Gil had gone off to war as he often had to, leaving young Ludwig at home alone. He went to war for many reasons.

Current, he sat atop his war horse, his clack snapping in the cold winter wind. The snow shimmered in the suns early morning rays. It bathed the sky with pinks and blueish hues, giving a peaceful look that did not quite belong.

Behind him was his battalion in the Prussian army, thousands of soldiers strong. They bore the white uniform of the Teutonic Order, same as their leader. They were huddled around fires, seeking warmth. Five men or so sat around a single tiny fire, picking at the little food they had.

Gil jumped off his horse and his feet crunched on the snow. His black riding boots were fairly warm so he did not worry about walking in the snow. His men did it, so he could to. He crept along a ridge trying to estimate roughly how strong the Polish forces were.

He did not really care about the war, but he would not throw away good soldiers' lives trying to win a fight when hopelessly outnumbered. His scouts had been unable to get a number on the forces, so Gil tried. His big black eagle flew in circles above his head, screeching and breaking the dawn's silence.

After a good half hour he had crept around and got a view of the Polish camp. They sprawled over a hill and into a small valley. He sighed. This was poor planning on their part.

He guess they were at a few thousand, meaning his own force was roughly equal to theirs, but much more skilled. Then, Gil was a fantastic commander, arguably one of the best. All he had to do was circle the valley and drive them against the hill. He would pin them against the landscape they picked to protect them.

By the time Gil drove the Poles into the hill, there would not be many left. So even if they took the hill, they would not last.

He stood and trotted back to camp, calling his second in command and a few other officers over. He explained their plan, and drew with his finger in the snow. They listened and nodding, sometimes asking questions, but mostly listening.

When he finished they departed, all but his newest officer, a young man that had been promoted in rank due to outstanding valor. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, and it sorely reminded Gil of Ludwig sometimes. Gil raised his eyebrow at the fellow.

"What is it lad?"

The man looked at the ground before asking "Why do you fight?"

Gil went to say his simple reply of 'God, country, and beer' but the man spoke before he could.

"And I mean, the real reason."

Gil sighed, and waved for him to follow. Gil stood by his big horse, patting its neck. His clock snapped in the wind, the only sound between the two men. Gil's white hair blew in the wind, but he stared out at the snow covered fields.

"I fight for my country. I fight for my Order and God. I fight for those who have fallen never to rise. I fight for glory, I fight for my name, and I fight for my family. Why do you ask me this?"

The man gave Gil another reason to feel pain in his heart. He gave a very Ludwig-like response.

"Because, when you view the war from another side, they fight for the same reason. They fight for their country, for their glory, family, name and their fallen. They fight for God too. So how can both sides be right in battle when one always has to win and the other always has to lose?"

Gil sighed again, his eagle landed on his shoulder. He did not look at the boy; instead he spoke, watching the sun rise.

"Wars are fought between monsters and men. We look at this fight, and we see our enemy as the monsters and we as the men. But they, they see us as the monsters. I cannot tell you what to think in this."

The boy was silent, staring at his boots. Gil went on.

"I fight for my country. I was ordered to leave my home in the dead of winter, to go fight a country I do not care about. I was called, and I went. That is what a soldier must do. I stand here, about to go and kill men, who have done the same thing. Those men left their family and their homes to answer their king. We both cannot go home. It is the way of war. It is not fair, and it never will be." He shrugged "I do have real reasons for fighting. I fight to protect my land. I fight to protect my kingdom. I am sworn to do so by my oath and I will die before I dishonor my oath. I fight to go back home. I fight to go back to my family. I fight so that my own soldiers may go back to their families. I fight so I do not die, so that I can go back to my little brother. I promised him I would always come back in a foolish moment." Gil turned to his officer and said "Never give anyone you love that promise. It might satisfy them for now, but when you do not return? It tears them apart like the deepest betrayal." Gil swung onto his horse.

"In shorter words? I fight for love. The love of my country. The love of my Knighthood. The love of living and the love for my home and my brother. That is all a man can truly fight for, in fact, it is all that is worth fighting for..." He looked down for a moment "Prepare to attack." He said in dismissal.

The man left and within minutes, the army stood being Gil. Gil drew his sword and charged down the snowy hill, his men fanning out around the mouth of the valley and driving into the barely ready Polish.

They were driven backwards at an alarming rate, slain by the hundreds. The valley was nearly a half mile across. By the time they got to the hill, only a few squads stood. They soon were wasted, their blood watering the snow.

Gil sat in his saddle, his white clothes and his sword very bloody. His horse was as well. He sighed and looked at the sky, and then in the direction of where his home lay.

"Soon I will come home Ludwig. Soon you'll have your big brother back. The monsters...they're gone. Just a few more months now." He whispered softly.

He made no sound but his eyes opened in surprise as an arrow shaft protruded suddenly from his chest. He fell from his horse, his blood staining the snow. He choked up realizing death was inevitable. He whispered "I promised I would return...and do so I will. But I return home in a casket. Forgive me brother...I died today...for love..." his eyes closed, and with a final breath his muttered "I love you Bruder..."

Sorry it was a mostly Gil thing but...eh.

Also, I have no regrets if your feels died. ^^

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