Z: Zoosk

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For those not in america, its a dating website

Z: Zoosk

Gilbert was a little too good with finding and hacking into Ludwig's things. Being home alone and bored, he had time to try endlessly. So he was able to hack Ludwig's many password protected accounts.

Ludwig had gotten sick of it and finally decided to password protect his laptop entirely. No one could get in without his password which he had made long and hard to hack, or so he had hoped.

Naturally this frustrated Gilbert. It took him a long while to get into the stupid laptop but he was determined. Ludwig was pretty smug and happy with himself when he found Gil was unable to get into his computer.

His smug look got more and more annoying the longer it took Gil to hack it. Finally Ludwig was so satisfied with it, he stopped worrying.

A week after that Ludwig went to work and Gilbert seized a six pack of beer and the laptop and set himself to hacking into it. He would get payback on his dearest little brother.

After about an hour he figured out this password. After two solid weeks of trying he was disappointed to see the password was a very not thrilling 'AsterBerlitzBlackie'

Gil had been trying all the old ones he knew and making up new dirty ones. He was very disappointed with his brother for picking such a...innocent name.

With it opened he started to riffle through the browser history, naturally curious. Though he did not linger long because he had a master plan and he needed time to get it working.

He searched for the dating website, Zoosk. When he found it a wide grin began on his lips.

In a short amount of time, he had made Ludwig a dating profile, including pictures. He made it average as possible picture wise. He put the dogs in there, him with the dogs, and then a picture of the two brothers. Then just Ludwig in casual clothes, and he really wondered why Ludwig had those pictures on his computer. He had planned out a whole picture taking stalker event.

Not that he was complaining...this sped up his plan.

Next he got to filling out the questionnaire.

Name: Ludwig Bielschdmit

Age: 21

Height: 6"1'

He answered all of the basic and boring questions and set the account to send emails to Ludwig's work email.

Now, he got to the fun part.

Are you a man looking for a woman: No

Are you a man looking for a man: Yes

How attractive do you find yourself on a scale of 1-10: 10

How important is your partner's attractiveness: 10

Are you top, bottom, or versatile: Bottom

His was cackling madly as he filled all of it out. Ludwig was going to flip his shit when he found this.

He went on filling out the questions and making them fake and aggravating as possible. Then he got to actually filling out the profile itself. This would be his favorite part.

I am Ludwig and I am a very attractive young male. While I am very strong I am a huge masochist and I adore being bullied and pushed around by a more dominating male. I am very into hardcore BDSM and proud of it.

I would like my future partner to enjoy dark and shameless frequent sex in the oddest places. Closest, tables, cars, and even alleys.

Gil went on happily ruining Ludwig's chance of ever having a real dating profile on this site. When he finished he saved it and turned the laptop off and leaving it where he had found it and went on to do less harmful things.

When Ludwig came home later to eat dinner Gil was calm and not suspicious in the least. After cleaning up Gil went in the family room to watch TV and Ludwig sat in his chair and opened his laptop up.

Ludwig went through his emails and found nothing suspicious in the least, just more emails than usual. Once he had defended the laptop from Gil he and switched his emails to come to home. His emails from various dating websites.

He did not really want a life partner, not with a human. But he did get a few dates that he never told Gilbert about. And a lot of one night stands he never told Gilbert about. He met with men and women, bought dinner and drinks, and went to a hotel room with the clear understanding once was all they were getting.

So, finding the Zoosk requests for meetings and other shameless sex emails with pictures, he really did not find odd. One man, even interested him.

Interested him enough that he messaged him back and agreed to meet for dinner. He had thought he made this account to, he was not paying attention to the names of the sites. And if he made the account, he made damn sure he put himself to a top, a dominate, with no expectations.

Gil meanwhile was very much upset and simmering on the couch. Why the hell did Ludwig not flip his shit? Why was he not screaming and threating to throw Gil out while blushing impossible shades of red?

This frustrated him worse than the lock on the computer had. He could not exactly say anything. Ludwig took his frustration as a sign the password lock was still working.

So a few nights later, Ludwig went on his Zoosk date, they ate dinner, drank and headed out for the nearest motel room.

And did Ludwig get a surprise when he was shoved on the bed and straddled. Like hell no, he was not doing this. So he shoved the man off and stated he was not a submissive type.

A short argument broke out before Ludwig went home from 'working late'. What the hell was the idiot talking about? He had never made an account where he said he was into BDSM, said he wanted shameless sex, or most importantly, said he was a fucking masochist!

He stormed into his house and seized his laptop. Gil had been asleep on the couch since it was around eleven o'clock. Ludwig furiously went through his emails and found the account where he had met this lying bastard and opened it.

And there was his second big surprise of the night. The Zoosk account he clearly did not make himself.

He looked at the profile and his eyes narrowed. "Gilbert." He growled

The sleepy albino picked his head up "What?"

He grabbed his brother's armed and jerked him over to stare at the computer "What the fuck is this?!"

Gil grinned "A dating website."

Ludwig gave him a harsh glare and Gil cackled "It took you long enough to find it."

"I WENT ON A DATE WITH HIM!' he yelled angrily

Gil stared for a very long moment before totally losing it. He laughed long and loud, roaring until his sides hurt. "L-Luddy.. I made this...as a joke! I never thought you would go on a date with someone from a dating website! You made this so much better than I dreamed!"

Ludwig's face made Gil laugh harder. So apparently his little brother did use such sites. The pictures now made sense.

Ludwig could not stand Gilbert's roaring laugher so he snapped the laptop closed and walked away grumbling angrily.

Never again would he ever use Zoosk.


Thanks for reading , and all your votes and comments, they are much appreciated!

Please check out my next piece, which will be a hetalia smut collection!

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