H: Hero

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H: Hero

Looking back, Gil had quite the history before he was dissolved. He had a massive empire, extraordinary power, and immense wealth, long ago.

Even for him, it was hard to see that glorious past at times. Living in your younger brother's basement, being a low-life leech sort of did that. Sure, he had many reasons for staying there, but still, it does wound the pride.

And for Gil, it was just a bad day. For one, it was snowing, and he hated snow, ever since dealing with Russia. Snow brought him memories of the place, of the torture.

Of the end of his nation.

Then, on top of that, he had been ignored by fellow nations, and Ludwig had even yelled at him. Sure, Ludwig yelled a lot, but Gil usually was not the direct cause of it.

Currently, he sat locked in the basement, with a few of his favorite journals around him. He had kept them, often writing in them, through the course of his empire. The ones around him held writings from when he first found Ludwig, his three victorious wars under Bismarck, and then his final war...WWII.

He read through the first one, when he just had gotten Ludwig.

Today I just got this awesome little kid; he was just out there in a field, wandering like a lost dog. He does not talk much, and he looks really sad, especially with his big blue eyes. Damn, since when did I become such a sucker for hopeless and lost kids? Anyway, I grabbed him and took him home. Funny, he only likes me. I could not dump him on the nurses in the infirmary, when I tried he just clung to my leg and stared up at me with teary eyes. Who can refuse that? Heartless demons? Right now he is in my bed. Wow, not cool, the awesome Prussia's bed has been invaded. I should be doing the bed invading! But he would not sleep alone...he's sleeping now; I became his pillow it seems. I do not know what I'm going to do with him. I'm a war general, I have no business with a kid. Maybe Francis or Antonio can take him...nah, Francis is too weird. Antonio...would this kid even like Spain? Kid...he needs a better name. Ludwig. Yeah, his name will be Ludwig. It's a strong name...though this kid does not look to strong. Well he will be one day maybe. He can be my little brother in the meantime. I will be awesome and heroic, be the best brother ever. I'll kick anyone's ass who messes with this kid. I'm awesome like that.

His entry ended there. He never would know that Ludwig did think he was awesome and did think of him as a hero. Gil came home, bloody, beaten and battered all the time. When Ludwig would ask why, Gil would say 'I'm getting rid of the bad guys before they hurt us. I'm keeping you safe'.

Gil never knew, but Ludwig heard a lot in their castle. He heard the soldiers talk and say great things about his brother. He heard the servants talk, heard them say how much they liked Gil. Ludwig was smart enough to know not all servants loved their masters like these loved Gil.

Gil was two kinds of hero. The celebrated war kind, and then the subtle, never recognized one. He helped people in silence, he was just fair and kind. Knightly.

Gil never knew he was Ludwig's hero, and his role model.

Gil sighed, closing that journal, and opening up another one. Under Bismarck, he won three huge wars. It was quite possibly his greatest military achievement. That was his war heroism at its finest.

He didn't read this one, his fingers just scanned the pages. Eventually, he closed it as well, and opened up the final one, the one depicting World War II.

I swear this kid is insane. No, his fucking boss is insane. Everything here is fucking insane. I feel like a retarded penguin in this stupid stuffy uniform. I fucking hate dealing with Hitler, who the fuck is moody like that 24/7?! Now Ludwig is just insane too. Like yeah, why the hell not? Why the hell WOULDN'T we declare war on France? Why the hell would we play nice with Russia? And fuck, why don't we just go piss off England while we're at it? Yes, fucking brilliant Ludwig, let's do it! Yeah of course little brother, of course I will take your side. Yeah, just go ahead, declare war, I'll go declare war on my best fucking friends, no problem man! This war started with good reasons, sure I give him that. But this has spiraled way out of control. This war will kill me, mark my words. But fuck it. I won't abandon him. I promised this kid I would defend him. I told him I would take care of him. And I will do it... I will be his hero. He's taller than me. He is his own country now. He doesn't need me. Hell...I'm probably not his hero anymore. It used to be so easy. Make him dinner and you're the best person ever. Read him a story, your amazing. Go, shoot the wolf in the back yard, and you are just Heracles. It used to be easy...It used to be simple. He used...he used to love me. I can't be sure anymore.

Gil had been so involved emotionally with his reading, he had missed Ludwig coming downstairs. He had not realized he was crying either. Wait, he did not cry. His eyes were sweating.

He had not noticed this, until Ludwig hugged him silently, and shut the journal. Gil was silent. He felt like their positions had been reversed. Hundreds of years ago, he would be the bigger one. He would be the one hugging and comforting. He really had become useless. What a hero he was.

"Gilbert.." Ludwig said quietly

Gil said nothing. He rubbed his eyes.

"Gil...you have done a lot for me. So much more than...any of the other countries did for their colonies and little brothers. You were the best big brother. The best. And Gil you were my hero growing up. You...you were a good man. Then no matter what I did you loved me...even if you teased me a little, you always cared. Always stood loyal at my side. Even when I was wrong...and that means the world to me still. Gil...no one could ever be better than you. Even to this day...you are my hero...and my big brother. I wouldn't want it any other way either. I mean it..." he blushed. He wasn't good with the touchy feely stuff.

But Gil understood just fine. He smiled, turned, and hugged his bigger-little brother. He said nothing. He didn't have to.

He was still Ludwig's hero, and that was all he needed to know to be happy.


Aha well please vote and comment!

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