N: Nazi

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N: Nazi

It was a cold evening and Gilbert walked outside, on foot patrol of the Nazi base. He was his brothers second in command, something that did not bother him until a while ago.

Not Ludwig had decided he wanted to go insane and jump on the power crazy bandwagon.

Gil wore the SS uniform, a uniform of black. Everything was black, the pants, the jacket, the gloves, and the boots. The gun was even all black, a Luger. Gil really did not like how fancy and up done the uniforms were, it seemed pretty pointless. Though all the officer uniforms had way too many pieces to them.

It was just one of the many things that bothered him.

This was just one of the less important ones.

This war bothered him, the 'logic' behind the war bothered him. The officers bothered him, the nation's leader really bothered him.

His brother was starting to bother him.

Gil kicked a rock and growled angrily. Ludwig had gotten totally brainwashed by his boss. Gil thought he raised Ludwig to have his own brain and be a stand up man but apparently not.

Gil really hated to see his brother this way. Ludwig was usually calm and intelligent. He usually solved problems by debating every angle of it. He usually did his work and did not bother his subordinates.

Now, he decided otherwise. Ludwig would scream and beat on his underlings, he had officers killed by firing squad for slight slip ups, and he looked at a problem and killed it. Literally. If a man was causing an issue, he was dead. The issue was never addressed, just the people involved. No men, no problems Ludwig said, quoting Stalin. He was a madman, his temper was fast and his intelligence seemed to have flown out the window years ago.

That bothered Gil. He loved his brother and this made him angry. Ludwig's boss had done such bad things, but it was Ludwig who followed blindly, like sheep off a cliff.

He had not raised Ludwig to be a blind follower. He had raised a fierce warrior that did what he needed for the good of his country. This was not good for anyone but the Nazi officers.

This war might have started on decent logic and real reasons, but it had twisted and everything had gone to hell.

The entire Nazi regime was a madhouse of power and corruption, and it was this party that Gil had been thrust into.

See, he was not a German. He was not a Nazi. Not if he wore the arm band, not if he wore the SS uniform. Not even if he went to their meetings and argued in political debates.

No, Gil was a Prussian. He was a soldier, not a politician, not a ruler, and not a madman. He wore the uniform, went to meetings, and fought in the war all for the sake of his brother.

Clearly the blonde German had lost his mind. Gil obviously needed to be here to make sure Ludwig did not do anything totally insane. He was here to watch out for his little brother, his little brother needed him, whether he knew it or not.

He sighed and looked up at the night sky. The sky was black, just bleak and black. The stars were not visible. Even the starts hid form this insanity. Gil half hoped he could too, but he was already so deep in mayhem.

Gil walked inside after his patrol ended and went to find Ludwig. The office door was open so he walked in. A calendar was on the wall, it was December of 1945.

Ludwig's head was in his hands, his hair was not neat, but wild and un-kept. His uniform was tousled and everything about him seemed to scream insanity.

Ludwig looked at Gil and sighed, muttering "Shut the door."

Gil did so and sat down in a chair across from Ludwig. He wondered how many men, now dead, had sat in this chair and been screamed at and condemned to death.

"Gil, we are lost." Ludwig said tiredly.

Gil looked at him, not really surprised. It did not take a genius to know the Nazi's were going downhill. They poked two sleeping beats, Russia and America, and since then they were getting pinned on two sides and pressed into the heart of the land.

"I know." Gil said quietly after a while.

Ludwig did not answer and the two sat in silence.

Years passed from that night. The war ended, and Germany lost. Ludwig was lost and torn apart, and Gil was tormented by Russia.

Ivan had good ways of getting to Gil. Ivan knew his pipe could not break the albino, so he used words.

He loomed over the smaller man and smirked "See Gilbert, you are nothing but a stupid, useless, ex nation and ex-Nazi."

Gil's body was broken. He was beaten and his bones broken, his pride shattered, and his country gone. His brother was miles away, dealing with the after math of war himself. All these things bothered Gil, but nothing hurt worse and pissed him off more than being called a Nazi.

He retaliated, and was beaten down.

Years after that, he would walk the streets in other countries. People would hear him speak with his German accent and they would go from pleasant to venomous. They would glare and curse at him, shove him from their shops, refuse to serve him, or try to beat him up. All because he was a German, a Nazi.

He spent time after that, sulking at home. Hiding away from the world that dared called him such a word. The deepest insult a man could give, was calling him a Nazi. It was worse than any other curse or term.

He was not a Nazi. He was not and he never was. Gil had strived so hard to avoid associating with the Nazis, with the officers, with anyone. He worked with his soldiers and with his brother. He was not a Nazi, he knew from the very start that name would go down as infamous.

He got depressed, so bad Ludwig could no longer reach him. Words had broken the proud soldier worse than any weapon.

They had called a noble man, with good intentions, a monster, a heathen, and a terrible evil man, a murderer even. They said he was power drunk and corrupt. Gil was not these things, he had never been these things, but no one would ever see that. Not now, not after the war. He had not done the same things; he was not the same kind man as the others.

All he had ever wanted to do was protect his brother. And he had damned himself in the process. He became Gilbert the Nazi, and it broke his heart. It wounded his soul, and damned his mind.

What the war did not destroy, these words did. For ages men had sought to break the powerful albino and his nation, but failed. Where they failed, this single word succeeded.

Gil was finally a broken man.

Couldn't find many good N words... But also, seriously, dont call a German a Nazi, jokingly or not. Its terrible.

Anyway please vote and comment!

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