E: Ecstasy

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E: Ecstasy

Staring at his brother, Ludwig knew he made three very bad mistakes.

One, he let Gil go out with Antonio and Francis.

Two, he let Gil take them to a Berlin nightclub.

Three, he didn't chain Gil up in the basement and leave him there when Antonio brought him home after explaining everything.

They had gone to a nightclub with the intent of drinking themselves stupid. Or stupider than they were normally, and hit on some girls. Though somehow in this process, Gil decided he would take these random candy looking things off the bar top and pop a few.

If he had been human, he probably would have died. But lucky for Ludwig, Gil just got really, really high.

Currently, the albino was running, wait no, his pants were missing. He was streaking across the house and screaming something that sounded like 'death to society' which made no sense to Ludwig.

The three dogs were sitting by Ludwig and glancing at Gil, before looking back to their master. Even the dogs looked confused.

Ludwig sighed "I'm confused too Aster..." he said, patting the Golden Retriever who was closest to him on the head.

Gil took a sharp turn and ran face first into a wall but that did not seem to bring him back to sanity. Instead he launched into an angry rant.

"WALLS ARE FOR COMMUNISTS!" he shouted, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the wall.

Ludwig was going to have a long night...

"Gilbert! That is a wall!"

Gilbert did not answer his brother; instead he kicked the wall "You can't bring me down! I bring you down! Ha, it's on! It's on like... like Hong Kong!"

"Dear Gott, please help me..." he pleaded, looking up at the ceiling.

The ceiling did not answer him, which was probably a good thing.

Ludwig really wished his brother, his older brother, would put some pants on. He would ask for Gilbert to be more mature but he didn't want to push his luck. Or ask the impossible.

Gilbert had apparently resolved his conflict with the wall, because he went running off.

"As long as he doesn't try to leave...this can't be too bad right?" he asked his dogs.

The dogs didn't answer him either.

By the crashing going on in the kitchen, Ludwig assumed that Gil had run failed to jump onto the table. Against his better judgment, he walked for the kitchen and hung in the doorway, gazing up at his brother.

Gil had the radio blasting and way playing air guitar, and getting really into it. Ludwig groaned and looked back to the floor. Gil really needed some pants.

Gil grinned when he saw Ludwig "Hey! Oh what this! My adoring fans want me to crowd dive!"

Before Ludwig could shout otherwise, the naked albino jumped off the table and smashed into the floor.

Ludwig hoped this would keep him down and dazed but no, he could not be that lucky. Gil just popped back up like some really awkward pale bouncy ball.

Gil went and looked around, dazed for a moment. Then he went full speed ahead, charging for the door.

Ludwig would be doing many things tonight. But he would not be chasing his naked brother around the streets of Berlin.

In fact, he would never be doing that. Ever.

So he flung himself at Gil and tackled him in the living room. He really had been trying to avoid touching his brother but this was his only option.

Gil squirmed and screamed out some random things.

Ludwig realized he would not be able to control his brother by yelling, so he went and played along with the whole 'adoring fan' thing.

"Hey Gil, your fans want you to put some pants on." He said, still awkwardly pinning the albino.

Gil blinked and looked at Ludwig was severely unfocused eyes. "Really?"

Ludwig nodded, handing Gil a pair of sweatpants.

He regarded the pants like they were a strange contraption.

Then, Ludwig made his fourth mistake of the night. When Gil had stopped fighting him and he had gotten the pants, he had lost most his control on Gil.

Gil had seen this because before Ludwig could grab him again, his brother bolted for the door, threw it open, and ran into the night.

Ludwig yelled rather unflattering things about Antonio and Francis before standing up, grabbing the sweatpants and a jacket before running out of the house.

Well, seems like he would be chasing Gil though the streets of Berlin after all. Unhappily so, he raced after the streaking form of his older brother.

"Its moments like this where I honestly wonder why my younger self felt safe with Gil as a guardian." He grouched, flying at full speed for his brother.

Gil did not need yet another charge of public disturbance, the police hated him enough as it was.

It did not take Ludwig too long to catch up to his brother. Mostly because Gil was zig-zagging through the streets screaming "The zombies are here!"

With a final stride he jumped and tackled his brother for the second time that evening, this time in a rather cold patch of grass. Gil was probably screaming, though Ludwig did not listen as he wrestled Gilbert into the pants and into the coat.

This took Ludwig a good ten minutes because Gil was kicking like a very angry baby.

Finally Gil relaxed, or grew tired, Ludwig could not be sure which one it was, but he was very happy to now have a rather chilled out albino with clothing on.

"Are you sane again?" he growled, still pinning him to the grass.

Gil muttered something that sounded like "You are just jealous I have a bigger-" his statement was cut off by Ludwig's large and powerful hand clamping over his mouth.

"Right, I should have known that answer. You are not sane in the least bit." He grouched, standing up and throwing Gil over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"You are treating me like a bag of potatoes!"

"You are not potatoes though. Potatoes are good for my health. You, on the other hand are not."

"I am much more fun that a vegetable." Gil mumbled, looking at the word upside down.

"You are much louder than vegetable." Ludwig retorted. "And potatoes are not high maintenance. You require 24/7 attention."

Because this was both a pointless and un-winning able argument, Gil just pinched Ludwig's ass to give the blonde yet another thing to gripe about.

A box...Ludwig thought. I need a box to put Gilbert in...or a hamster ball...that would amuse him when he is drunk or high.

True brothers never judge and always love. While there was a lot of judging done on Ludwig's part, he loved his older brother.

Even when he got high on accident and went streaking through Berlin.

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