T: Teeth

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T: Teeth

It was a stiffing hot day and Ludwig and Gil had just finished a three mile uphill run. Ludwig had wanted to go training but Gil had decided he wanted to have a scenic run. Together they had a nice run, with little talking.

Now both brothers leaned against the counter in their kitchen, panting and drinking water. Gil had abandoned his shirt a while ago and Ludwig was considering it. Gil went poking in the fridge for something and ended up just sticking his head in it like the idiot he was.

Ludwig was a little too tired to care. He was hot and tired, but satisfied with the run. Gil closed the door after a while and went looking for something in the freezer.

After a moment he yelled triumphantly and dragged a box of popsicles from the back corner of the fridge out into the open.

Ludwig stared at him "Congratulations, you found year old flavored ice sticks."

Gil huffed "Be grateful for the sticks! I was going to send you to the store if we did not have any in here." He smirked and ripped open the box and pulled out an orange popsicle.

Ludwig rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair "Why would I have gone to get you those anyway? I might have just ignored you."

Gil laughed "I would have locked you out of the house then and you know it."

Ludwig did not want to admit that validity of that statement.

Gil opened one of the packages and threw the box at Ludwig. "Eat one!"

On a normal day, Ludwig would have thought better about eating something like this. But like a fool he took out one popsicle and opened it, starting to eat it.

Gil watched him with a creepy intense interest but Ludwig decided to just ignore him and eat the icy treat.

Gil was licking it, the half top if it only, while pushing it back in his mouth and breaking the soft end off on the roof of his mouth. He sucked lightly and drained the flavor out, pushing it back and forth in his mouth, letting the ice be melted by his warm mouth.

Ludwig on the other hand, sucked just the tip, draining the juice from the top and turning it white. Then he plunged it deeper in his mouth, still sucking the flavor out, swirling his tongue on it, and then, pulling it out of his mouth slowly, his teeth scraping it and leaving long gouges in the treat. Then, right at the end, he bit the tip off.

Gil watched this with fascination and before long just burst out laughing.

Ludwig stared at him "What?"

Gil pointed at the popsicle "You like to use your teeth..."

Ludwig then realized he really should never have eaten a stick shaped thing in front of Gilbert. Bananas, sausages, candy canes, popsicles, basically anything stick shaped that was eaten automatically turned into a big perverted sexual innuendo. It usually ended up on the internet and humiliating Ludwig as well.

He sighed. Either he could argue with his brother or play along. He decided it was Gil's turn to be flustered, so he played along.

"Yes Gilbert I use my teeth." He smirked and walked closer to his brother and looked down at him "You know what else?" he asked lowly, a dark look in his blue eyes "I like using teeth..." his voice dropped even lower and he whispered in Gil's ear "And I like when someone else uses their teeth."

Gil blushed just faintly and stepped back, but he ran into the counter before getting to far away.

Ludwig smirked down at him with a really smug look. Gil realized that his brother had just wanted to screw with him so he decided to screw back.

Gil stared back, his red eyes hard and intense. He flashed that cocky smile that always made a heart rate increase or blood rush downwards. "You know Ludwig...only a sadist likes teeth." He poked his brother in the chest "I am a gentleman. I lick it. And see, you suck on just the tip, and while that is good too...you sometimes need to just plunge it into your mouth...slowly sucking then, going back and forth and rubbing the tip on the roof of your mouth or the back of your throat...and when you do it nice and slow...you get the sweet reward of the juices sliding down your throat, and leaving the taste long after its gone."

Just the way that Gil spoke was enough to make Ludwig blush. Gil had a low voice, that just dripped sex appeal when he tried, and he was really trying hard now. It was flustering, and creepy coming from his brother. Though he did have to admit Gil's sweet voice, intense stare, and description was enough to make him want to run away and give up going along with this stupid joke.

But it takes a fool to raise a fool. And Ludwig just kept on going not traumatized enough quite yet.

"No Gil, see sometimes you just want it, and you want it now. So you tease, sucking just the tip. Then you slowly push it in your mouth, making it graze between your teeth...and then you just use the tongue. You swirl your tongue around the entire length, and then pull back slowly, real slow, and you drag your teeth on it again, drawing out more and more of what you want. And then you bite the tip, and get a big reward."

Gil was a little flustered listening to his little brother go on and on but he just kept screwing with him, keeping a nice calm face.

Ludwig and Gil kept on their popsicle sexual innuendo for a while after that, slowly exhausting all there was to say. By the time they were done with the sex jokes both were just laughing and grinning. Gil put the box back in the freezer and he and Ludwig went to go drink beer on the couch, life back to normal as if they did not just spent the last half hour sexually teasing each other.

That was just a normal afternoon for the German brothers.

This was written in school... It took everything I had to not laugh, or blush

Hope it was funny!

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