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Gil was hanging out with his best friends, Antonio and Francis. The two were probably drunk out of their minds, Gil was just pleasantly buzzed. The trio sat out in Ludwig's family room, many bottles of beer and wine around them. Gil had his tie around his head, the universal sign for a party animal. Or a stupid drunk.

Francis was busy being a hopeless flirt as usual, trying to maybe seduce the rather oblivious Spaniard. Between this and sips of wine he also threw in some random sexual comments about Arthur as well.

Antonio gushed non-stop about his little boy toy Lovino, and Gil just rambled about his latest and greatest bar conquests.

Antonio looked at Gil "What about your brother?"

Gil threw another bottle on the ground. "He isn't home! Don't worry I will have this cleaned up before he is home, calm your tits Toni, Luddy will not scream at you."

Antonio shook his head. "Has he found someone yet?"

Francis leaned forward and looked interesting as well "Yes, has little Ludwig seduced a lovely lady? He is the brother of the best pick up artist and player after all."

Gil grinned at his title "Yeah well it's not just me, you two fools corrupted him in his youth! Francis, did you not tell him to look up the maid's skirts?"

Francis flicked his hair and huffed "That was very helpful advice to give to a growing boy. And it is not my fault you kept very lovely maids around."

Gil rolled his eyes and Antonio laughed.

"But anyway, no. Ludwig has not found anyone."

"Why is that?" Francis asked

"Have you not tried to get him laid?" Antonio added "I made sure Lovi always had someone!'

Gil snorted "Yeah, you."

Antonio shrugged "Still had someone did he not?"

"Are you suggesting I screw my brother?"

Francis poured another glass of wine "Have you not already done that?"

Gil scowled "WE WERE DRUNK!"

Antonio grinned "Yes, German incest, we get it Gil. No judging."

Gil growled said few curses and popped open another bottle of beer, still buzzed, but not drunk enough to be slurring words.

"I am not going to be his lover, thank you, Antonio." He growled "Ludwig is always working so it isn't my problem the man cannot help himself. He is a monster anyway, girls and even real sadistic guys do not want him."

Before either Antonio or Francis could reply, a new voice yelled "MONSTER?"

The three jumped and turned to see a very ticked off German in the doorway.

Francis swore "Gil you said he was not going to be home!"

Antonio warily looked at the mess on the floor. Both of Gil's friends knew the wrath of the neat freak German, they had since a certain red wine, white carpet accident. This explosion of beer bottles and wine bottles was probably frowned upon. As was the fact Francis had somehow 'lost' his shirt and Antonio still had his shoes on.

Gil waved "Home early Luddy? Come drink!" he was a little to stupid, or maybe a little too drunk to figure out that his little brother was pissed.

Ludwig threw his coat on the coat rack and just walked away. A boom and the shaking wall signaled his fist had greeted the dry wall. And the bang then signaled he had slammed his door as well.

Gil frowned, starting to realize Ludwig was not angry about the party, but something else. He stood up "I will be right back..."

Francis grinned like a pervert at the idea of being alone with Antonio, who was wearing leather pants.

Gil sighed as he walked away. Antonio really should not be wearing those pants with any girls or Francis within a ten mile radius. It was likely he would be jumped and sexually attacked.

Or maybe that was his goal, flaunt that ass of his and get laid. Maybe he was not that oblivious...

Gil shrugged as he tramped up the stairs, past the new hole in the wall. He went to Ludwig's door and knocked lightly. "Bruder?"

Ludwig growled something that sounded like 'go away'.

Gil sighed and opened the door anyway, barely dodging the lamp that was thrown at him. He walked over to Ludwig, who was sitting on his bed, holding his bruised hand.

"Gil go away." Ludwig snarled, turning away from him.

Gil sat on the bed by Ludwig and took his hand. His knuckles were split and had dry wall dust in them, and dark blue bruises were forming on the skin as well.

"We need to clean this..." Gil said softly.

Ludwig glared with sharp eyes. "You do not need to do anything for me. I will do what the hell I please." He growled again.

Gil just stared into his eyes, reading his little brother. Something was bothering him. Something that hurt him. And Ludwig was not readily going to say so it seemed.

"What is wrong Luddy?" Gil tried softly

Ludwig stared at the floor and sighed, putting his head in his hands "You called me a monster."

Gil wanted to punch himself. He had called Ludwig a monster thinking he had not heard, well in his defense Ludwig was not supposed to be home...

But ever since the war Ludwig hated to be called and Nazi or called a monster. Because both were true. And both stung his conscious. The words brought back bad memories.

The worst thing about being called either thing was, he had no defense of it. Both were very true statements and he had no way to defend himself with those verbal attacks. He thought about the heinous deeds. His work and concentration camps, his soldiers acts of hate, his governments intimidation tactics. They were all horrible, monstrous acts.

It hurt even worse that his brother had said it, Gil should have known better. Ludwig did not talk about Russia in front of Gil!

Then Gil said it was the reason he was alone. He was alone because he worked, and he worked because it was his job. If he wanted a love life he would go and get one!

"Ludwig I am so sorry...It was a joke...I had not meant you were a bad man, monster...Just the screaming, short temper, strength...most girls are terrified, and men well, it would just hurt eh? That's what I meant..."

"Shitty sense of humor Gil. What a great fucking joke, at the expense of your little brother too. How awesome." He spat angrily.

That hurt. Gil felt like a fool. He couldn't say anything to make it better either. He just hugged Ludwig and muttered "You are no more of a monster than me."

That had to have been the worse joke Gil ever told. He did not say it again either.

Ludwig said nothing for a while. He did not responds to Gil's hug for a while either but he did finally hug him back.

They stayed like that, in silence. No one said sorry, no one said you are forgiven. It was silent understanding between the two.

Mistakes, even the worse, were forgiven in their house.

And there is J!

Ah..I got nothing for K so feel free to suggest stuff.

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