O: Oktoberfest

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O: Oktoberfest

It was now fall in Germany, and that meant one thing: Oktoberfest. Even the all work and no play Ludwig went a little wild.

Basically all productive activities in the southern half of the county stopped, unless of course you were a brewer, for this was then the busiest time of the year.

Ludwig and Gilbert were current sitting in a beer tent, slamming down stein after stein, laughing and talking with other people.

They wore the old fashion and traditional lederhosen. Ludwig's and Gil's shorts were of a dark forest green, the straps to those shorts were of matching color. Ludwig had a white short sleeve shirt under it, while Gil had a grey one. Gil wore the mountaineer hat, Ludwig had nothing, but his usually neat hair was in drunken disarray.

They stole glances and made jokes about the pretty women all around, those in regular clothes or traditional dirndl dresses.

Like the others in the tent, they enjoyed the entertainment, or watching various women bartenders try to carry as many mugs of the frothy liquid as they could.

Huge barrels sat in the back of the tent, gallons and gallons of beer waiting to be drank in the coming week.

When Gil and Ludwig got tired of this sort of beer, they got up and went to a different beer tent. They walked down the rows of tents, some for pretzels, some for sausage, some for tourists' clothes, and most for beer.

The pretzels were about the size of a man's chest from shoulder to shoulder and thicker than a thumb. Those came in a startling variety of flavors. Then there were the sausage tents that had an even wider variety.

Some were red, others white, some brown while others were wrinkled, straight, curved, long, short, thick, thin and everything in between.

The brother's enjoyed this tent and all the dirty jokes waiting to be made once they were drunk off their asses.

Ludwig led his older brother to a busier beer tent, and they shuffled around people until they found a spot at a long wooden table.

This particular tent had a karaoke machine in the back and drunken men and women were filing up and singing songs.

If it was one of the traditional Oktoberfest songs, often times the entire tent would sing along with them.

Gil got another stein of beer and grinned at his brother. Both were probably buzzed enough to at least consider going to sing, so Gil voiced this.

"Should we go sing?"

Ludwig who was obviously always the sane one, the rational one, the level headed one...took little time to answer "Yes."

Even drunken karaoke make sense to Ludwig during Oktoberfest. It was a time for beer and celebration and being a blasted idiot.

You regretted all year what you did the year before at the festival, then return the next year promising it won't happen again and just do something twice as stupid.

Gil grinned and leapt up and Ludwig followed his brother to the corner where the singing was being done. When the current singer left, the two males took the stage.

The mix of drunk, buzzed, and amazing still sober people looked over at them, waiting for what was next.

Gil grinned and went rifling through the list of songs, looking for traditional Oktoberfest ones. He grinned when he found the one he wanted, and Ludwig nodded with approval.

Ludwig seized the microphone while Gil staring tapping on the floor with his boot as the music started playing in the background.

Ludwig started off with a deep and booming voice

"When they maypole's back in the village square,

And it's all about the girls,

When they show off their sexy Dirndl dresses,

And we lads rub our eyes,

Let's go, it's that time again,

Let's go, today there won't be any regrets."

Gil then joined his brother, with a little bit of a less deep voice. He mixed his voice well with his brother's though.

"C'mon, show me a little bit more,

I want to know a little bit,

Rock me tonight.

Let's do a little shuffle,

Or what would you prefer,

Rock me tonight.

Look me in the eye,

Little one, you're so fine,

Rock me tonight.

Spin around, spin around,

Until the dance floor breaks."

Ludwig and him went and kept singing, by now half the tent way singing with them, and more joining as their drunken minds remembered the lyrics, or as their beer gave them courage to sing out.

"And now the night's really getting going,

Every girl grabs herself a guy,


And then we all get a crazy feeling,

'Cause we all want a little bit more

Let's go, it's that time again,

Let's go, today there won't be any regrets.

C'mon, show me a little bit more,

I want to know a little bit,

Rock me tonight."

People were now up and dancing with their friends, with their lovers, or even with total strangers. That was the beauty of the festival. People from all over came and shared their love of beer, pretzel, sausage, and German spirit.

Strangers became friends, friends became lovers, and lovers grew closer together. Unforgettable memories were made among the steins of beer, and through the entire two week festival a sense of pure joy and merriment radiated from everyone.

Ludwig and Gil kept singing, the two of them doing what they did best: being brothers. They finished off their song strong.

"Let's do a little shuffle,

Or what would you prefer,

Rock me tonight.

Look me in the eye,

Little one, you're so fine,

Rock me tonight.

Spin around, spin around,

Until the dance floor breaks."

When the song bowed, cheers erupted from those who had been singing over. Gil and Ludwig grinned and bowed and leapt off their stage and mingled back in to the crowd, seeking out beer and the one thing more intoxicating than the amber liquid...

The pure spirit of the festival.

This uploading screw up my formatting so bad..

Rock Mi is a great song I would look it up even if you don't know German. Vorxx Club has a good version of it (the flash mob on youtube).

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!

Also, any ideas for P?

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