G: Gay

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Here is a funny chapter because I murdered your feels in the previous one.

I have finals next week and I can tell you now I do not plan on updating.

Over winter break I probably will, so don't worry I'm not quitting the story!

G: Gay

Ludwig had had his fair share of horrible dinner conversations. After all, Gilbert had an odd sense of humor- most of which including embarrassing Ludwig in front of people.

Thanks to Gil, Antonio and Francis probably knew every detail of Ludwig's (mostly fabricated by Gil) sex life.

Also thanks to Gil, Feli and Kiku knew a decent chunk of Ludwig's kinks and what made him really tick.

It was truly amazing Ludwig still had allies after that one.

It was also probably the number one reason Ludwig never brought anyone to family dinner, ever.

Though Gil took this in the wrong way, thinking Ludwig had no friends, more importantly, girlfriends.

The master of the art could not let his little brother be a 21 year old virgin. No, that would not happen. Period.

So, as usual Ludwig made them dinner and Gil set the table. He sat down at the table, which he usually did not do. Usually Ludwig had to threaten Gil's beer or drag him into the kitchen because he was watching TV.

Ludwig brushed that off and made them dinner, potatoes and bratwurst.

Gil just watched his brother in a very critical way and it made Ludwig a little nervous. Who knew what was going on in that insane albinos mind?

When the food was done Ludwig put it on the table and slowly sat down. Gil still stared in silence.

Ludwig drank his beer and got his food together, and started to eat in awkward silence.

Gil broke that silence with a not so kind, or normal "Are you gay?"

Ludwig nearly choked on his sausage.

Gil smirked "Well maybe not very good at being gay...relax the throat Ludwig, breath through the nose."

That just made Ludwig choke worse and turn a very bright shade of red. When he swallowed he yelled "GILBERT!"

Gil cackled "So Luddy, you swallow I see. That is always good, good job. Never spit."

Ludwig turned about the color of a Spanish tomato and howled "WHERE THE HELL DID THIS COME FROM?!"

Gil looked at him innocently "Ludwig it's not a choice, you were just born like that, its ok!"


Gil stared at him "You are 21 and I have never seen you with a girl. That makes you gay." he said simply

Ludwig stared back blankly, boiling in rage.

"Well Ludwig, tell me are you top? Or bottom? Maybe versatile?"

Ludwig shook from rage and just disbelief this was happening. "Gil, for your information I am not gay, though I do go both ways...!" he thought that would shit Gil up.

It did not.

Gil seemed to be thinking "Ah, you go both ways? Yes compromising, good. Men like versatile. Sometimes they want to be fucked senseless, other times they want to fuck you into the mattress."

For Ludwig to say he was horrified, was an understatement. He was mortified. His face was the reddest it ever was, and that was saying something.

This was also now the worst conversation he had ever had with Gil, this had reached new highs...and he thought his last high was bad.

"SHUT UP!" he banged his fist on the table

"So Ludwig, I see by this outburst you are a little shy huh? Do you get bold in the bedroom or do you go timid? No...you are my brother, you are totally a sadist. Though...if you are versatile, maybe there is some masochism." Gil seemed to be giving his words thought, which was rather freighting. This is what he thought about?

Ludwig's horror level just kept on escalating.

"You are really kinky though...does your partner like those kinks? Oh! I know! I'll get you hand cuffs for Christmas!"

"NEIN!" Ludwig managed to yell through his horror entranced state.

Gil tapped his chin "IS leather a turn on for you, are you more of a secret lingerie lover? It does not affect your manliness if you love it! Sexy laces and silk? The best part is ripping it off...Though it does not leave much to the imagination. Leather though...ah that does not either. Well Luddy, what do you prefer? I call leather for you...WAIT, DO YOU LIKE GAGS?"

This was about as much as Ludwig could take. He threw his bratwurst and Gil and growled lowly "If you enjoy breathing, be silent."

It seemed that Gil had no love for the life giving oxygen that Ludwig threatened to cut off, because he kept on talking. "Oh do not throw your sausage at me, I do not want it...unless you want me to show you what I meant about relaxing the throat?"

"I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH YOU DEEP THROAT A SASUGAE!" he yelled and jumped up, sending his chair flying back.

He jumped up and tackled his brother and clamped a hand over the albino's mouth. "I do not want to hear another word!"

So naturally Gil bit his hand and muttered "Damn Ludwig I did not know you were hot for me. You could have just asked, you did not have to jump me." he smirked "I see you are a fan of angry sex? I can feel the bondage vibes...and rough fucking, so yes, you are total a sadist. Good job Ludwig! You learned something from me!"

He just could not win this argument could he? Why was Gilbert so impossible? He stood up and stalked away "Enjoy dinner alone."

Gil laughed and sat up "Yes, I will enjoy my sausage, but Ludwig, it looks a little limp."

A slamming door was the only thing Gil got in response to his final perverted comment for the night.

Oh, isn't family dinner a great thing?

And guess what I'm eating tonight...yes...brats...awesome.

Well I hope you all found this funny, I had a great time writing it. Remember I will probably not be updating next week.

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