D: Drunk

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For the last chapter, I do not condone drinking and drive, and for this chapter I do not condone getting smashed either...no law suits, thanks.

D: Drunk

It was a bitterly cold winter evening and both brothers were home and rather bored. Ludwig was working as always, but he had to admit the work was dull. Gilbert had watched TV nearly all day and he could not bear to watch anymore.

It was too cold for him to go for a walk in the woods, plus it was dark. The stupid dogs would not take up his offer to play fight with him either, which disappointed him. Ludwig had also forbade him to go and piss off Austria, which left him with absolutely nothing to do.

So of course he went to aggravate his dearest brother. First he crept down the hallway with a couch pillow in his hand. Ludwig was bent over his desk, writing. He had not heard his brother approach, so when the pillow smacked into his head, he was a little surprised to say the least.

"GILBERT!" he howled, turning around and chucking the pillow back at him.

The albino grinned and ducked "That's my name!"

Ludwig just kept glaring "What could you possibly want?" he growled lowly, though secretly thankful for the reason to quit working.

Gil had a silent understanding. Ludwig was a workaholic, but every now and then he needed a little fun. Gil knew quite well that Ludwig would never admit to that, but if he bothered the blonde enough on the right days, Ludwig would give in. Ludwig wouldn't just decide to quit working and go party, even if he wanted to. So Gil gave him a way to relax and stop working, without ever saying 'take a break', or anything else that would not appease the German's work habits.

"I wanted to make sure my little brother wasn't working himself to death! Also I want free entertainment so...let's get drunk!"

Ludwig sighed but was rather content. He just needed to fake a little bit more before giving in. He was a diligent worker and that's how he wanted to be known...he didn't want Gilbert to think otherwise. He believed that Gil just bothered him when he got bored. He never knew Gil really did it to give Ludwig an excuse to knock off work.

Ludwig sometimes forgot how truly clever Gil was when it came to his little brother. Gil understood Ludwig's pride yet he always found a way to get what he wanted and what Ludwig needed

"That's quite irresponsible Gil." He muttered lowly

Gil almost had him, but of course he didn't let Ludwig onto his plan "Humor your big brother, I have a lot of beer that needs drinking and unless you want me to get alcohol poisoning, you're going to help drink it."

Ludwig sighed again and stood up "Fine." He sounded bored and made it look like he was doing this against his will.

But Gil of course knew better.

And Ludwig was truly elated to go relax and have a good time, though he already knew this night was going to end badly.

Gil claimed to be 'too awesome' to get drunk, but Ludwig had seen otherwise. Ludwig himself could stand a lot of beer himself but the way he and Gil drank, both brothers would be smashed in an hours' time.

And when Ludwig got smashed...funny videos found their way to all the countries phones, embarrassing pictures went viral, and he often woke with a murderous hangover and an equally murderous rage.

Still, so worth it.

Gil had already arranged the kitchen so boxes upon boxes of beer bottles stood ready to be consumed. Gil also had kindly- and by totally coincidence, cleared memory from his phone so that new pictures and videos could be taken and saved.

Why the albino posted these things remained a mystery to Ludwig, but he never stayed angry long. At least the other countries knew that Ludwig was capable of having some fun. Not like any of them hadn't done worse things.

Ludwig had in the past, had the unfortunate experience of seeing what Gil had done with Francis and Antonio.

It was so much worse than what he did when drunk.

He sat across from gilbert and Gil brought a case of beer on the table and took the beers out, dividing it in half.

"Let's race! Whoever downs the most beers within the hour wins the title 'Ultimate Awesome Beer-Drinker Ever'!"

Ludwig didn't even bother with trying to argue with his brother, he just smirked "Hope you are prepared to lose then."

Gil scoffed "Oh you wish, lightweight."

Ludwig glared. Lightweight was quite the offense in their household "You have yourself a bet Gilbert."

Gil got cocky "Let's make it interesting! If I win...you call Italy and profess your love for him. If you win..."

"You wear a pink tuxedo to the next word meeting." Ludwig cut it, smirking amused "Your hair and nails will also match." he added

Gil looked appalled for a moment before grinning and sticking his hand out "Deal."

Ludwig set a timer and the two started to drink. Beer after beer was thrown back. Bottles littered the floor and the kitchen became untidy. Ludwig did not care, he was going to see the pink panther version of Gilbert if it killed him.

Gil was not about to wear a pink suit. And he would hear Ludwig's drunken love confession.

The two brothers were both pretty good at holding their beer. Cases upon cases became empty and they hair their own little beer bottle mountain. It looked like a frat house's garbage bin threw up in the kitchen.

After an hour it was rather unclear who had drank more, and frankly, neither brother was capable of counting past potato.

"You....y-you're a great person...L-Ludwig!" Gil slurred, pointing at the blonde.

"You...you have...pretty hands...Gil." he answered, leaning back in his chair.

Gil either didn't hear or he found nothing was wrong with that sentence. "I do...don't i?" he remarked, looking at a hand.

Ludwig nodded enthusiastically "Yeah! A-and you have... a great...face." he added

"You...you are so neat! Like...so neat...damn Ludwig...I'd love to see...how you keep everything downstairs you...you know? Is it...neat too?"

Normally, that question would end with Ludwig chucking something heavy at Gil's face, but because he was totally trashed, he just went with it "Everything....everything is neat...yeah...y-you think...Italy would like it?"

The best part about that question, was he said it in a way that one would talk about a gift of chocolates. It was just very casually stated.

Gil shrugged "M-Maybe...but Italians...they're messy!"

Ludwig smirked "Very messy...e-especially when you pull the...curls. Big mess~"

This would have been a fantastic conversation to have recorded, but Gil was way too far gone to work even his simple phone.

They kept drunk talking for several minutes before Ludwig started to slump forward on the table. Gil managed to swipe the bottles out of the way before Ludwig face planted into his arm and started snoring.

"Heh...night brother!" he giggled for unknown reasons and passed out beside him.

Tomorrow they would be feeling the wrath of wheat. Gil would also feel the wrath of Ludwig once he saw the mess.

But deep down, neither brother would rather have spent the night differently.

Sorry for taking so long. Anyway there is the update, drunk Germans!


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