Y: Yogurt

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Y: Yogurt

Ludwig had a day to himself for once, meaning he had a certain Italian over. Feliciano was there and they had just finished training.

Ludwig would never let a nice hot summer day go by without a single training session of course.

Feli was exhausted and asleep on the couch for now, curled up and ve-ing in his sleep. His head was tucked against Ludwig's lap for now.

Ludwig was sitting against the couch, a beer in his hand and his army jacket off. His strong chest was framed in a tight black tank top and his Iron Cross hung down on a chain. His usually neat hair was slightly astray and his pale cheeks had a slight tint of pink from the work out.

And maybe the Italian that was snuggling against his side.

With Feli being asleep it was quiet, which meant one other thing. Gil was not home.

Ludwig looked at the coffee table that had a cup of yogurt on it. He had meant to eat it before and had forgotten. So he carefully leaned over and seized the cup, making sure to not wake up Feli.

The yogurt was white because it was a vanilla flavor. He thought it was pretty good, he finished it and set the cup on the side table, really wishing he could throw it away. It was bothering him...just sitting there. Like it owned the place. Stupid self absorbed yogurt cup.

He was tired and leaned his head back. Maybe he would take a nap. No one would know, he would wake when Feli started moving and Gil was gone. So he closed his eyes and dozed off.

He felt like he had just closed his eyes when he heard to door open. He looked at the door and saw Gilbert slipping inside, and he was pretty sure his brother was covered in glitter.

Gil looked like he had had a lap dance from Ke$ha or had dove into a glitter bin. Sadly with Gil both those were very possible options.

But that thought soon left his mind when Gil walked over and stared. He did not stop staring either and Ludwig just kept gazing at him confused as could be.

"Really Ludwig?" he finally asked

"What...?" he asked in a confused voice

"I thought you had some manners at least...but Ludwig...really you look indecent. If this was me I would get yelled at."

Ludwig thought he meant Feli lying on his lap so he growled "Yeah I would be mad because Feli is not your boyfriend, he's mine."

Gil stared at him and shook some glitter from his hair. "Even if it was my boyfriend you would yell at me! You would be all worried about the precious couch being stained"

Ludwig again thought he was talking about Feli lying on the couch. Usually there was a no feet on the couch rule. "Well it is my couch, I can do whatever the hell I want on it."

Gil huffed "Clearly."

Ludwig was getting slightly fed up now, and he growled "You bring home filth anyway."

Gil got defensive "Hey Arthur is a classy man when he is not wasted! He is just a hell lot more fun wasted."

Through the argument Feli slept on, not at all disturbed by the Germans fighting. He was sound asleep running in a field with cats. This arguing was a normal occurrence anyway.

Ludwig shook his head "Go get that glitter off of yourself before it gets stuck in my carpet."

"But...if it got stuck in the carpet...the light would hit it...and our floor would be shiny! GERMAN SPARKLE PARTY EVRY DAY!" he promptly then threw himself on the floor and rolled around getting the glitter everywhere.

Ludwig carefully shifted Feli off his lap and leaped on his brother and pinned him on the ground. "WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN GLITTER!?"

Gil cackled "Why else? I visited the strip club."

Ludwig glared "Classy Gilbert."

Gil shoved him off but only got Ludwig to move back a little "I am not then one who looks like the just fucked their boyfriend on the couch!'

Ludwig blushed a bit, only because that was something he really wanted to do. Yet Gil took it the wrong way and thought it was a silent confirmation. "See! I would get my ass reamed if I fucked Artie on the couch!'

Ludwig snarled "I did not sleep with him!"

Gil stared "You never have slept with the tiny little Italian?"

Ludwig groaned "Not right this moment!"

Gil being a smartass remarked "Clearly not right this moment, you are looming over me and I am not a bottomer like that one is."

Ludwig got off of Gil and glared at him "Why do you even think I did that?"

"It is obvious! First, you are missing your jacket. Second, you hair isn't neat. Three he is totally fake sleeping, oh and four, YOU HAVE CUM ON YOUR FACE!"

Feli was sitting up now and watching this fascinating argument in silence. Ludwig blushed furiously and wiped his face and got just a tiny bit of the white yogurt on his hand.



In hus flustered state he muttered "It is vanilla."

Gil made a choking sound. "Did you just say it tastes like vanilla? Because it sure as hell does not..."


Feli made a funny squeaking sound from the couch.

Gil smirked "Well it could be." He turned and walked away and shook more glitter from his hair "I will leave you two alone now." He ran down to the basement.

Ludwig just looked and his adorable little Italian and sighed. Then he smirked. He just might piss Gil off and do the one thing he could not. Fuck his boyfriend on the couch.

As he walked for Feli one stray through fluttered across his mind.

He was never buying white yogurt again.

Yeah only one more to go now!

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