V: Volcano

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V: Volcano

Ludwig was beginning to wonder why he ever left the house anymore. It seemed that whenever he left his house, he pulled into the driveway with a sense of anxiety for what he would find inside. He always knew that his walls were no longer white, or his carpet was no longer clean.

One of these days he was waiting for the house to be burned down. It was only a matter of time with a brother like Gil.

Gil was like a five year old with ADHD. He just had to do something. And that something was more often than not destructive.

But here he was, pulling into his driveway and staring at the house. He had only been gone for six hours. What really could go wrong in six hours anyway?

He steeled his nerves and walked into the house slowly.

Gil was clearly home because four different appliances were on and Ludwig was a hell lot more energy efficient than that.

"Gil?" he asked, setting down his briefcase.

A red albino poked his head out of the kitchen.

Why was it always his kitchen?

Ludwig stared and grumbled "What the hell happened Gilbert?"


Ludwig, being tired, thought that an actual underground volcano leaked but then he saw that was not the case.

"What is the red stuff?"

Gil shrugged "Magma."

Oh no, they were not doing this again. Gil better not be a smart ass. Ludwig was not in the mood to deal with his shit tonight.

"What?" he growled

Gil just grinned "I made science!"

Ludwig could feel his blood starting to boil. He glared and looked at his brother.

Gil dragged Ludwig into the kitchen that was now coated in red and smelled like vinegar. "I was watching TV and these guys blew up a volcano and I wanted to do that but I'm fucking awesome so I decided to make it a bigger and better explosion. And well, I did not think this far ahead..." he mumbled, staring at the walls

"You saw something on TV and felt the urge to suddenly do it? Inside the house?"

Gil nodded like a proud fool. "Duh. I got bored sitting around and you did not leave me anything to do, and Francis and Antonio are busy so I had to entertain myself. The club is clearly not open at two in the afternoon so yeah, I watched TV, and now I want to blow something up."

Gil could be the poster child for why TV and video games should be less violent. Gil's reasoning ...well, lacked reason. Gil lacked common sense when he got bored.

Ludwig was pretty done with this story already but he kept glaring at his brother.

Gil pointed to his explosion sight. It included an aluminum can of soda that had the top ripped off, a bottle of vinegar, and a box of baking soda. A bottle of empty red dye was also on the floor.

"So you put the baking soda in there because apparently that white powder harnesses the energy of its cousin cocaine. The this vinegar gets shot up with red dye, because apparently this shit doesn't just smell bad, it is pretty mean and rank and when you put the two things together they explode. They don't stop bubbling and frothing for a while either so it basically went all over the place but I was considering cleaning it!"

Considering it. Right.

Ludwig rubbed his temples "Why not do this outside?"

Gil shrugged "It is cold outside."

Ludwig was really going to choke this fool he called brother. Why, why could he not leave the house without some manner of catastrophe happening? Ludwig was afraid to leave his country and leave his older brother home.

Who knows, he might watch and episode of the Sopranos and decide it was a good idea of blow a house up.

Their house would probably be the victim too.

Unless Switzerland ticked Gil off.

"Clean the damn kitchen." Ludwig growled

Gil crossed his arms "This was an important scientific discovery and you should appreciate the science that covers the walls."

Ludwig shook his head and pointed at the wall "Clean. Or I will not make you dinner."

Gil thought about it. He recall could not cook anything that was actually edible so he probably should obey his brother,

"Fine Luddy." He grumbled as he went to clear up the huge mess.

Satisfied Ludwig left to go work in his study.

Only a short twenty minutes later he herd his brother screaming at the top of his lungs "SCIENCE IS ACTING WITHOUT ME! LUDDY COME STOP THE SCIENCE! IT IS EATING ME!"

Ludwig ran from the study and into the kitchen. It seemed that the baking soda mix on the walls did not like the cleaning supplies, because it was bubbling again. Baking soda, pale as Gil, was doing the same on his skin, making it look like his flesh was dissolving.

Ludwig grabbed him and shook his shoulders "Science is not eating you! Science is a subject not an animal you idiot! It is baking soda! Now, use water!"

Gil grumbled "You were not here. You did not see it. Science is alive!"

In a matter of a few hours Gil was a scientist and now it seemed he was turning into Doktor Frankenstein.

So apparently, Ludwig could leave the house. He just could not leave Gil unsupervised. Like a three year old.

Deep down it really did not bother him. Gil gave him excitement in his routine life.

Gil really was not that immature. He was very capable of being normal, but what fun was normal? He loved to see that fleeting smile on his stoic brother, even if it was because he was amused at Gil's stupidity.

But Ludwig had had enough excitement. He shook his head and walked out. He stuffed his ears with earplugs.

Hopefully Gil decided to not drink or sniff the chemicals because Ludwig was not going to help him.

Not even if another volcano exploded.

Hate the end of the damn alphabet

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