Chapter 19- Hurting

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When you said it was over

You shot right through my heart

Why you let these hoes tear what we had right apart ?

Ooh I was so mad

I should have seen it coming right from the start

You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

-- Big Sean


I sat in the E.R waiting room. So much was on my mind..

Yes, me and Gucci just fought. But no I do not want him to die. He is my childs father and the love of my life. We've been through so much together and anybody who has something to say about me can kiss my ass. This is OUR relationship. OUR problems.

As for Scooby, Im " grimey " because i shot him? SHUT THE FUCK UP!! He killed my mother and had all these years to tell me..but didn't. And don't start that. You didn't let him explain. He had 3 fucking years to explain. He should have told me. I knew he had something to do about cause when I looked at him he wouldnt look at me, then told them he was killing them.

Lets just be real.

You can't trust any body.

Its the ones up in ya prom pictures salons with ya - Nicki Minaj.

True shit, cause I never throught my closest friends would be the ones to back stab me.

" Everythings gonna be okay. Its Gboy, Cash hes going to pull through " Zeek wraps his arm around me.

Scooby had took Gbae out for a moment...I didn't even want to look at him.

" Why are we always going through something ? I know the adverage person doesn't have to go through half the shit we go through " I look at him for answers.

" Cash my mama use to always tell me, God doesn't put more on you're plate then you can handle...Trust that "

" But I can't handle this! When is my turn to live care free? When is shit gon' be happy ? God is steadily taking from me and putting more on my plate to the point where the bitch is broke ! Is he even real ? ! " I ask as the tears flow.

" Stop that. Don't even start. You use to be in church every sunday with me and my uncle and cousins. You know he is...Just have faith man. I know im the last one to be talking about faith when im moving Kilo's of coke everyday...but im not gon' doubt him. You don't need to either. Its gon' all work out for us. Everything " He pulls me into a hug.

Zeek was the wise one.

Gucci was the crazy one.

Scooby was the dumb one...that will do any and everything.

I just cried on him.

I didn't want to keep going through the hurt...If I loose Gucci. I don't know what I would do without him. He is my everything. Just the other morning we were laying in bed talking about what its going to be like in 10 years for us and our family. What we seen...Now, im looking and I can't see my future. And what I see is all dim.

Scooby and Elle walked back into the room sitting down...He had got medical attention on his arm. It wasn't even serious.





Elle (Babydoll) P.O.V

I looked around the hospital.

I hate these places. Mama use to bring us here when ever we got sick. Me and Gia, then the doctor would give us a sucker. But it would be sick people everywhere. Really sick people. And people crying and people hurt.

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