Chapter 2

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Ten years later...

I watched the six Princes enter the Palace of Nobel Michel in my secret spot: behind a pillar in a dark area of the entrance hallway close to the grand staircase.

Grandfather must be having a party today, I thought, because that's the only times where all six Princes, from all six Kingdoms, ever come together like this.

The Princes were about to pass my row of pillars when Princes Roberto changed the subject of their conversation.

"Do you think Lady Linda will be at the party this time?"

All of them stopped walking.

"What are you talking about now, Roberto?" Prince Keith said irritably. "Of course, she won't be at the party today. She's never been to one in nearly ten years after the incident."

"Yes, but maybe this year will be different than all the other years."

Prince Edward patted Prince Roberto's back. "We all want to see Lady Linda, Roberto. However, if she does not wish to attend the parties then we cannot force her to go."

"Yeah," Prince Glenn spoke up, "because we all know how that ended when we did try and force her to go to a party after her mother died."

I cringed when Prince Glenn spoke about my mother's death.

"Prince Glenn is right," Prince Joshua said. "We don't want to repeat what happened the last time when we tried to force Lady Linda. It won't accomplish anything."

"She did throw a terrible fit over us forcing her to go to that year's party." Prince Wilfred agreed with Prince Joshua.

"I guess you are right." Prince Roberto pouted as they began to walk down the hallway.

"We're always right when it comes to Lady Linda..." Prince Keith began to say when they entered a different hallway after the grand staircase.

"Oh how I still remember that day," I sighed as I muttered to myself. That was the day when I stopped seeing the Princes altogether. For fear that they might just force me to go to one of my grandfather's parties again...

I was lost in thought when Zain, the Head Palace Butler, appeared in front of me.

"You watch them enter the Palace and yet you still don't greet them." He shook his head.

"It's my tradition to watch the Princes enter the Palace before the party starts."

He sighed. "I just wish that you could greet the Princes like you did before."

"Doesn't everyone wish that?" I said as I got out of my secret spot and walked up the grand staircase. By this point, the Princes would already be in a drawing room having tea or in their waiting rooms.

"Lady Linda," Zain followed closely behind me. "You know that we just want you to be happy again, especially your grandfather."

"I am happy." I said as we entered the main courtyard. "Why can you and grandfather see that?"

"Of course we see that you're happy Lady Linda--"

"Why are you suggesting me to spend quality time with Princes then?" I cut him off as I stopped walking. We were barely inside the courtyard. In fact, we were only at the entrance.

"Your grandfather and I just doesn't want to see you all alone all the time." Zain explained gently. "It's been ten years since--"

"Don't," I raised my voice sternly. "Don't mention her."

He sighed. "Yes, your highness."

Then, all of a sudden I could hear Prince Roberto call for Zain in the distance, outside the entrance of the main courtyard.

"I should be going now." I tried to walk deeper into the courtyard, but I could go past where Zain and I were-- the entrance. It was as if there was a barrier keeping me from going deeper into the courtyard.

"Grandfather," I realized when I couldn't exit the courtyard from the entrance either.

"You have to see them sooner or later." His voice rang throughout the courtyard.

"I choose later." I said frantically.

"No," His voice roared. "You have to see them now."

"Why?" I whimpered.

"You hid from them for ten long years, Linda. It's time to greet your Kingdoms Princes."

"Fine," I snapped as I waited for the Princes with Zain.

"Ah, there you are Zain. Is the tea prepared in the courtyard yet..." Prince Roberto trailed off when he saw me standing next to Zain.

"Zain, who is this--" Prince Keith began to say, but he realized who was standing next to Zain; me-- Lady Linda.

The rest of the Princes stood in front of me with their mouths gaping open as shock took over their facial expressions.

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