Chapter 5

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It's been a few weeks since I had made my escape from my Grandfather's party. I couldn't believe that I was almost found out by Prince Keith.

The fact that he immediately saw through me because he knew me better than anyone else.

Well, of course he would know me better than any of the other Princes. He was my cousin after all.

I sighed as I walked down the grand staircase. Why was this bothering me? Was guilt actually coming through after I had left the party because I couldn't stand being in there? Knowing that my mother was murdered in that same Ball Room ten years ago?

My head was swimming in pained mmemories of my mother when I had bumped into someone.

"Oh, pardon me." I curtsied automatically. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"I can see that," I looked up from my curtsy to find that I had bumped into Prince Edward of Charles.

"Oh, Prince Edward," I blushed slightly as I stood up straighter.

He smiled down at me gently. "You don't have to look so regal. It's just me."

I sighed as I let my shoulders sag a bit.
"I know, I just-- I'm supposed to be as regal as I can. Considering that my Grandfather is Lord Nobel Michel-- and the next heir."

"But you don't have to lose yourself in the process." He said gently as he led us to the courtyard. "You know that, right?"

"Yes, I do." I nodded with hesitation. "It's just that lately I've been getting nagged on seeing you all...and...I just don't know if I'm ready for that. I'm not my...mother. Where she appeared so calm and regal in front of others, you know? And now that I'm eighteen everyone, including my Grandfather, is expecting so much of me..."

"We all have duties to fulfill," Prince Edward began as we sat on a stone bench in the courtyard, "and I'm guessing yours is more grand than mine and the rest of the Princes. However, don't let the people around you assume that you can be the best Lady like your mother. There are no right or wrongs in this sort of thing."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.

"There is if you've been avoiding the Crowned Princes of the Six Kingdoms." I muttered.

He laughed. "That's to be expected. You've been trying to hide the pain from your great loss for ten years now."

"Hey," I laughed a little myself. "There is no laughing. This is a no-laughing matter."

Prince Edward tried to compose himself again but he couldn't. In the end, we ended up laughing together and catching up.

When it was time for him to see my Grandfather, his sole purpose from the start, he gave me some reassuring advice.

"Remember, Lady Linda, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Take your time at being the Lady of all Six Kingdoms. It's your destiny and no one else's. If you're ready to guide us crowned men, then you'll know."

He stood up from his spot next to me and took my hand gently in his.

"Until that time comes." He kissed my hand. "Farewell, Lady Linda."

"For now," I muttered as I watched Prince Edward leave the courtyard.

I can't believe I spilled my guts to him, but he was one out of the six that I could really talk to and trust completely. Prince Edward was truly a gentlemen.

He had made me forget the fact that I was deep in despair and regret from my actions on the day of the party. The fact that I was still in pain of my mothers death.

I'm glad that he had distracted me. Even if it was only for a couple of hours.

The pain in my heart was beginning to slowly lift. Bit by bit.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys so I thought I should start to show the relationships that Lucia has with the Princes...well only five of them. Considering Prince Keith is rrelated to her. Will show the other four Princes and explain how Keith is related to her next time.

Until next time lovelies :)

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