Chapter 12

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Wilfred and I were in the courtyard, sitting under the big oak tree, reading.

At first, we were sitting next to each other our backs against the tree. Then, I found my head in his lap.

I looked up and took a peek at Wilfred, he was reading his book as he ran his fingers through my long hair.

He caught me staring at him and he raised an eyebrow, his hand stopped combing through my hair for a second.

My cheeks get warm as I hide my face in my book.

Wilfred laughed as he pried the book away from my face.

"What," He demanded as he poked my nose with his index finger.

"Nothing," My whole face could be tomato red right now. "I just wanted to look at you, that's all."

He laughed. "I can see that." He looked down at me, staring into my eyes.

My stomach churned as butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

I don't ever want this to end, I thought as I stare into his eyes too. God, I hope I chose the right deciscion. This...him and me...

"Let's go take a walk," He said as he helped me to sit up.

"Okay," I stand up and my legs are asleep.

Both of us wait for a second until we can walk again.

We walk around the Palace. At first, we were just walking side by side. Then, we were walking hand in hand. This was all a process. I knew that and Wilfred knew that.

As much as I think that this is both bad and good-- with Wilfred everything's complete. I momentarily forget about my mother's death. I move on when I'm with him.

But it's only for a moment, and yet it feels like the moment is forever.

Author's Note:

Awww, baby steps for Linda and Wilfred :)

Hope you liked this chapter :) I'll sure try to update sooner.

Until next time, my lovelies x)

P.S. Sorry if the chapter is a little short :) Just wanted to have a Linda and Wilfred moment for you guys <3

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