Chapter 18

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I had stayed at the Liberty Manse for almost a week when my grandfather sent a car for me to go home.

My Uncle and Keith were outside, saying their goodbyes to me.

"See you when there's a next party," Keith teased as he gave me a gentle hug.

I laughed, "See you." I hugged him tight.

"Told you you would go home," My Uncle kissed me on the forehead and hugged me.

"Yeah, yeah." I hugged him tight as well. This was a semi-bittersweet moment. Even though I made a fuss-- and wanted-- to go home I didn't want to go home.

I got in the car and watched the Liberty Manse grow smaller behind me.

Once I got home my father met me at the front door.

"Are you going to let me in?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He stared down at me with his hands behind his back. "Are you going to pull a stunt like that again, going to the Opera I mean."

I chuckled as I shoved passed him. "You're ridiculous."

"Don't walk away from me!" He grabbed me by the arm, and I almost tripped on my own feet, as I stumbled back to my father.

"Why?!" I yelled as I yanked my arm away from his grip. "This is my home. Not yours. And I would like to go to bed now. It's midnight."

My father grabbed my arm again.

"This is just as my home as yours." He seethed.

I yanked my arm away from his grip again. "Then why aren't you living here? Why are you living with her? What, did my mothers death take that much of a toll on you that you can't live with mere here? Or is it the fact that I'm too close with your brother?"

My father winced when I mentioned his brother, his identical twin brother. I never was really suspicious about it until now.

He's keeping something from me, I thought as I studied his face.

"Don't mention my brother again." He clenched his jaw.

"Why," I demanded. "Why can't I mention him?"

My father looked away, not answering me.

"Why," I yelled as I repeated. "What are you not telling me?"

He looked down at me with a sorrowful look. "Your Uncle, he's-- not your Uncle. I am." He swallowed. "Your mother had an affair with him while we were engaged and-- and she got pregnant with you...with my brother."

I blinked. "What," I gasped as I stared into my father's-- no, Uncle's?-- eyes.

"How--what are you-- this doesn't make any sense." I took a step back, away from this man that I called my father for my whole entire life.

"That's why I wasn't there when your mother gave birth to you." He cautiously inched toward me. "My brother is your father, your biological father, but no one knows that--"

"Does my grandfather know that he's my father?!" I stared into my Uncles eyes through wide eyes.

"In a way, yes. Yes he does."

My back hit a pillar as I tried to process this. "Why...why didn't any of you say anything?"

"We didn't want to overwhelm you, get you confused."

"But I am overwhelmed-- and confused. All this time I thought that you were my father. Not my Uncle."

Everything made sense now though. My father who was actually my Uncle cheating on my mother because their marriage wasn't real. My Uncle who was actually my father was always there for me and my mother-- because they were in love but they both were married to other people by that point.

I let out a deep breath and turned to walk away from my Uncle.

"Where are you going?" He gently took me by my arm.

"Upstairs," I mumbled as tears blurred my vision. "I'm tired-- and-- and confused about what you just said-- I need to rest."

"Okay, but before you go upstairs I wanted to tell you that-- aside from my harshness-- you always felt like a daughter to me."

I nodded. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

"Good night, Linda."

"Good night," Then I left my father-- Uncle-- in front of the grand staircase.

I didn't sleep well that night. There were too many questions in my mind. I needed to go back to Liberty and ask my Uncle-- father-- if this was all true.

Deep down, a part of me was in denial. Another part of me knew this was true. My father-- Uncle-- never really acted like my father...and my Uncle-- father-- did.

Ugh, why did they have to be identical twins? Everything about this situation would've been so much easier.

Author's Note:

Zomg, Linda's father's actually her Uncle and her Uncle's actually her father? What??? Twinception!

Well that was a sudden change of we know that her father wasn't really her father...and that her uncle wasn't really her Uncle...somehow we're relieved it's the other way around. Am I right?

Well, I'll catch you later when I'm done writing the next chapter.

Until next time, my lovelies!

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