Chapter 16

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The next day, my Uncle called my father. Demanding why he kicked me out of my own home. This fact was true, my father doesn't even live with me anymore. He stopped living with me after the first year of my mothers death.

Apparently, my father still had parental control over me. Since, I hadn't really cared about being the Lady of all Six Kingdoms-- until recently, of course.

My Uncle sighed as he ended the phone call with my father.

"Well, he's being stubborn as ever." He put a hand to his temple.

"I'm sorry, for stressing you out like this..." I trailed off as I looked out the window.

"No, no, it's not your fault." He went to stand next to me, in front of the window in his office. "If it wasn't for your stubborn father. You wouldn't be here you would be home."

I nodded.

"You can stay here until he cools down. That's for sure. Or until, your grandfather will get fed up with him and demands for his lovely granddaughter back home."

"Like that will ever happen." I snorted as I looked at my Uncle.

"It will happen," He gently put a hand on my shoulder. "It will just take...time."

"Ah, time." I turned away from the window. "It seems like I don't get much of that these days."

"Because of the marriage thing, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed as I sat down on the couch. "Sometimes I feel like it's all moving so fast when in reality it isn't. Sometimes I feel like this is the right thing to do."

My Uncle nodded as he sat down next to me. "Because you love Wilfred."

I smiled stupidly. "Yes, I do. I hope he loves me too. Our...relationship is kind of slow."

"Sometimes that's a good thing." He patted my hair gently. "Slow means good. You both aren't rushing into things."

"But what if this doesn't work out, though? That's the kind of question that sometimes pop into my head."

"It'll work out." He said gently. "You'll see."

I pursed my lips as I didn't say anything else.

My Uncle was probably right-- he's always right-- this sort of thing will work out and the thing with my father will blow over.

I just want to see Wilfred again. I haven't seen him since he dropped me off here after the Opera...after my father kicking me out of my own home.

Author's Note:

Okay, so this is obviously a filler, but an important filler I guess x)

Hope you enjoyed the filler and all of Linda's sudden doubts seeping through :3

Until next time, my lovelies!

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