Chapter 7

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Before I was to have tea with the Crowned Princes. I had tea with my father. I hadn't expected to see him today, or even this week.

"Father," I stared at Zain as he poured us a cup of tea. "What brings you here?"

He slammed a tabloid magazine next to my cup of tea.

"Oh, I think you know why I'm here, Linda."

I swallowed as I stared at the picture on the cover of the tabloid magazine. It was me, hunched over, talking to the little girl, Fiona.

"What is there to talk about?" I mustered all of my courage up to look my father in the eyes.

He looked furious, and a bit disappointed.

"You went out without permission, that's something to talk about-- oh and the fact that you made contact with a few commoners along the way. During your little adventure outside the Palace."

"Why do you suddenly care?" I muttered as I took a sip of tea.

My father cocked his head to one side, as if he hadn't heard me correctly.

"You're my daughter, Linda." He scoffed as he set his untouched cup of tea back on its saucer. "And I will have you know that I don't appreciate you giving me that kind of attitude."

I held back an eye roll. "Can I leave?" I stood up from my seat, clearly annoyed by just being this close to my father. I don't know why, but every time my father visits me I get so worked up. For nothing. Well, it's probably something, but I can't seem to remember why.

"No, you may not leave." He pointed at my chair. "Now sit back down."

I hesitated for a second before I threw my napkin on my chair. "No, I won't sit back down because I don't want to hear you lecturing me about how I'm not suited for the role as a Lady."

"Well, maybe you're not." He hissed as he got up from his chair. "Maybe I ought to give you more discipline."

"Discipline," I chuckled. "Like, what? Confine me into a tower? Father, I'm eighteen-years-old. I think I can make my own decisions on my own thank you very much."

"You think this--" He grabbed the magazine and shoved it into my hands. "--was a good decision?"

I didn't say anything as I stared blankly at the picture.

"Linda, answer me!"

"Yes!" I yelled as I threw the magazine on the ground. "It was a good idea! It showed me that I've been away from my people far too long, especially the Princes."

He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Pull this kind of stunt again," He warned as he stared into my eyes, " and I'll disown you."

"Like you already don't?!" I looked up at him, bewildered. "When have you ever taken care of me?! Never. That's what. From the start, it was always--"

"Don't you dare say it." He seethed.

"It was always your brother who took care of me." I held my ground, head held high.

Just then, my father slapped me across the face and whoever was in this room when he did, had fallen silent.

"Don't ever speak about my brother again."

I balled my hands into tight fists.

"Why," I blinked back tears. "Is it because that hits too close to home? That he took care of me because he cared for my mother? Because you were messing around with my stepmother at the time?"

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