Chapter 14

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The Opera was amazing, and I was glad that I got to go with Wilfred. The other Princes were there, but they didn't dare talk to us.

I was thankful that they respected our time together.

When the show was over, Wilfred and I exited the Opera with the other Princes.

"So, I hear you just walked out of the Palace." Keith said as he whispered in my ear. "And that he was overly against this whole entire 'date-thing'."

"'Date-thing'," I repeated as I gave my cousin the 'really,' look. "I could care less what my father does or doesn't like."

"Well, I hear you may not be able to get into the Palace." He said, almost nonchalantly. "At least not tonight."

I chuckled, irritated. "We'll see about that."

My father wouldn't do that. Not after I specifically told the Palace guard to practically kick my father out of the Palace.

I shook my head as Wilfred took me back home-- and just as I hoped wouldn't happen. I couldn't enter the Palace. There was practically a barricade of Palace guards in front of the front doors.

"Can I just talk to my grandfather?" I looked at one of the Palace guards as Zain came out.

"Unfortunately, he's sleeping right now."

"Right," I looked up at the starless sky as I blinked back tears. "Of course, because my father would think of everything-- to keep me out of the one place that is my home."

Wilfred gently put a hand on my back. "Come on, you can stay with me for the time being."

I ignored Wilfred for a moment and looked at Zain.

"Doesn't anyone here respect the fact that I'm the Lady of all Six Kingdoms? That my father is a has been?!"

Zain sighed. "I'm sorry, Lady Linda. You should take up Prince Wilfred's offer-- just until you can come back home."

I turned to Wilfred. "Would you hate me if I went to stay with Keith?"

He shook his head as a sad smile played on his lips.

"Not at all, he is your cousin after all."

"Then, I should call him for a ride."

"I can take you," Wilfred said as he put his hand in mine.

"I don't want to burden you--"

"You're not," He smiled down at me sweetly.

"Okay," And with that, we left the Palace and went to Liberty.

We crossed the border to Liberty when I fell asleep on Wilfred's chest.

Author's Note:

Mwuahahahaha! Linda's father is back, unfortunately...oh how I love plot twists xDD hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Until next time, my lovelies!

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