Chapter 24

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One day, when I was swamped with documents, all of the Princes came to visit. However, they were all wearing t-shirts and shorts. Some sported sun glasses and some sported baseball caps.

"Where are you all going?" I laughed as I looked kind of ridiculous in my nineteenth century-ish dress.

Keith and Joshua exchanged a mischievous look, which scared me because you don't see Joshua with that kind of look. My brother, yes, but Joshua, no.

"What's going on," I stopped laughing and the smile that I had on my face had faded.

Roberto took hold of my arm, all smiling.

He looked at the other Princes. "We wanted to go to Edwards private island with you, for a vacation!"

I looked at Edward, appalled.

Edward shrugged. "They all practically begged me."

"Oh, that would be lovely," I said as I got out of Roberto's grasp, "but I'm so busy today."

Suddenly, they all looked at the three envelopes of documents in my right arm.

"Doesn't Lord Nobel Michel usually take care of documents?" Keith asked gently as he eyed a somewhat disappointed looking Wilfred.

"Yes, but, well, he's not feeling good this morning." I softened a little bit. "And besides, one day I'll be the Lady of all Six Kingdoms. Someday I'll have to learn how to do these sort of things."

"Well, can't you just take them along?" Keith pressed.

I gave him a look. "You want me to take important documents along on this trip-- documents that contain information of every Kingdom? Do you have a death wish, Keith?"

Keith rolled his eyes and he fought back irritation. It didn't help that we both were born with short tempers. We did get it from our father, that's for sure.

Glenn looked at us glaring at each other.

"Why don't we come back tomorrow?" He suggested.

"But we're already here," Keith said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Then stay here!" I yelled as I let my irritation get the best of me. "But I don't want you to interrupt me, got that Keith?"

He nodded as he pouted a little, "Crystal."

"Ugh," I sighed. "You are such a big baby! How am I even related to you?!"

The Princes laughed as I left after that.

When I was finally done with all of the documents, it was already passed dinner.

I was in my study when Zain had come in with a tray of dinner, but with two plates.

"Prince Wilfred waited to have dinner with you." Zain said as he motioned for Wilfred to come in.

"Awe," I smiled as I got up from my seat at my desk. "Well, thank you, Zain. For bringing our dinner up."

He bowed as he set the two plates down at my desk.

Wilfred rubbed his neck. "Is it weird that I wanted to eat dinner with you?"

I shook my head as I hugged him. "Actually the opposite. It's very romantic of you."

He cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. "Well, I'm glad then."

"Same here," I laughed as I led him to my desk, where our food was. "Let's have dinner now. I'm starving."

We ate dinner in silence at first. Then Wilfred began to talk about the activities that we would do on Edward's family's private island, which wasn't technically all private. Considering there is a resort on the other side of the island.

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