Chapter 6

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One day, while I was looking over a few important documents in my room. Zain had entered carrying a tray of tea in one hand and a letter in the other.

"I thought you could use a little break, Lady Linda." He bowed respectfully as he set the tray down next my paperwork.

"Thanks," I let out a sigh as I took up the offer on a little break. I could use it. These papers were kind of hard to understand, but not difficult at the very least.

"What's that letter for?" I asked as he set it aside before he poured me a cup of tea.

"Ah, I almost forgot." He handed me the letter. "This is for you, from your grandfather."

"From my grandfather," I tilted my head to the side questioningly as I unfolded the letter.

"Yes, I believe it's pretty important."

"Huh," I turned to read the letter.


I know that going to the party a few weeks ago was hard on you. However, I'm so glad to see you getting along with the Crowned Princes well. You make it look like your duty as a Lady is so easy.

Yeah, I'll say.

So, what I'm about to ask you will be difficult for me.


As you may know, I'm not getting any younger. Although I wish I was. Anyway, I want to see you happily married before I go.


And, as you may or may not know. Our family will marry one of the Crowned Royals from time to time. Since it's been awhile. I think you should consider one of the Crowned Princes as more than a friend (aside from Keith, of course).

I do hope you will make the right decisions. If not, I'll unfortunately have to intercede.

Yours truly,

Tears had begun to sting my eyes when I looked up from the letter.

I have to get married, I thought, and I have to marry one of the Crowned Princes...or my grandfather will choose for me...?!

Oh, this was fantastic news. Not.

Suddenly, I felt like was suffocating and I needed to get out of my bedroom.

I stood up quickly, alerting Zain.

"Uh-- I need some fresh air." I muttered as I walked out of my bedroom hastily.

Once, I was out of my room. Tears had started to fall down my face.

I couldn't believe my grandfather's request. Get married at eighteen? I knew that it wasn't shunned upon amongst the Royals, the Nobles and the Elite-- but making me choose to marry one of my childhood friends was just absurd. Even though it was tradition.

I just...I couldn't believe this.

Once I had reached the courtyard. I decided that it wasn't enough. I needed to be somewhere else, away from this Palace.

With that in mind, I quickly ran to the front entrance of the Palace and ignored all of the Palace Guards.

I needed to get away from this life. Even if it was just a couple of minutes or hours.

Aimlessly, I walked through the streets of the city as I watched the Palace grow a little smaller behind me. It felt weird, being out of the Palace. Especially with my dress on. I felt out of place. Like I didn't belong here.

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