Chapter 21

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"Do I really have to go?" I asked Keith as we walked to the Ballroom.

He shook his head as he chuckled. "Yes, you do. Why don't you like going to parties anymore?"

I shrugged. "I don't know because they're no fun?" He knew the real answer to that question.

"Well, you might have fun at this one." He said as he gave me a mischievous look. "Or did you forget? Wilfred will be there."

"Yeah, yeah," I bit down on my lip. "I haven't forgotten."

I'm actually glad that I'll see Wilfred. It feels like it's been an eternity since I've seen him last. Then again, what if I mess things up? Because of the guilty feelings that I've felt?

Well, I thought, either way. It's good to get things over with-- even if they turn out good or bad in the end.

Once we entered the Ballroom, and my eyes immediately had spotted Wilfred, my heart begin to pound.

There, Wilfred stood with the other Princes. He looked dazzling in a black tuxedo. I guess this party isn't as formal as the ones at my grandfathers Palace. He usually wore his Royal sashes and medals.

Keith and I were immediately greeted by the guests as we made our way to the Princes.

"Well, well, well," Joshua teased. "Lady Linda is finally at a party-- that's not in Nobel Michels Palace."

I blushed a little as I stood next to Wilfred. "Yeah, I guess, but I'm still being forced to go to these parties."

"That's an improvement though." Glenn said as he took a long swig of champagne.

"Yeah, in a way." I absentmindedly put my hand in Wilfred's. He didn't seem to mind when I glanced up at him.

Everyone didn't seem to mind either, which put some of the worries-- that I had in my heart-- to rest, at least.

After a few minutes, Wilfred tugged me to the dance floor.

"You look lovely." He said as we danced.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled. "You don't look bad yourself."

He laughed.

Instead of going back to the other Princes after our dance. Wilfred led us out to the gardens.

"So," He cleared his throat. "How are you, Linda? You seem...well."

"That's an understatement." I snorted as we walked around the gardens for awhile, before we sat down on a bench.

"What do you mean by that?"

I let out a deep breath. "I..." I trailed off. How do I tell him that I found out that my father was actually my Uncle and my Uncle was actually my father?

Well, I thought as I stared into his blue eyes. Might as well just get it over with. Say it as if I ripped off a bandaid.

"I found out that my father isn't my father." I said as I looked up at the night sky. "He's actually my Uncle-- and I found out that my Uncle is my father."

For awhile, Wilfred hadn't said anything. He was letting that sink in. I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't believe me, but it does make sense.

"Wow," Wilfred finally said

"Yeah," I looked down at my hands.

"How do you feel about that? That your actual Uncle was acting like your father-- and that your Uncle was just acting like your father no matter what?"

I shrugged as Wilfred took my hand in his. "I don't know," I said honestly. "A part of me was relieved. That my father was my Uncle, I mean. But there's this part of me wished that I knew that my father was my Uncle, in disguise."

Ugh, I thought as Wilfred rubbed his thumb against my hand. That sounded kind of cheesy.

Wilfred didn't say anything after awhile. I mean, it made sense. He doesn't talk that often, but he sure talks more when he's with me. That's for sure.

"At least now we know that your father wasn't your real father?" In the end, he had involuntarily asked a question.

I laughed. "Confusing, I know, but my father-- who's actually my Uncle-- is the thing of the past." I gently kissed him on the cheek. "Because I'm with my father-- the one who acted like my Uncle."

"Yeah," He sighed as he stared into my eyes. "That's...something to get used to."

"Totally," I said as I leaned back a little.

"So, I've been thinking." Wilfred began. "I was thinking we could hang out at my place, in Phillip. Have dinner."

I stared into his eyes as he waited for my reply. "Yeah, I'd like that."

He smiled a little. "That's good. Do you want to come over sometime on Monday?"

"Monday sounds good," I smiled a little back.

"Great, I'll have a car pick you up at six-thirty in the evening."

"Sounds like a date," I said as he hesitantly edged closer to me. Our faces almost touching.

In a matter of seconds, Wilfred's lips touched mine.

We shared a tender kiss that night.

Author's Note:

Phew...okay...I'm sorry that it's taking me so long to update this-- and all of my other stories as well-- but I did it!

We're getting close!!! :)

All I can really say now that the wedding will have it's own little story-- even if it'll be short, possibly.

Then I'll begin with other routes-- and different stories along with those routes!

Just tell me who you want Linda to date, and we're set. If not, that's okay too. I'll just write about any other Prince, of Be My Princess, after this.

I just wanted to tell you this. I don't know why-- but any who.

Until next time, my lovelies!

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