Chapter 23

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The King and Queen of Phillip seemed delighted to have me dating their youngest son.

Sometimes, the Queen would tell me embarrassing stories of Wilfred and he would blush beet red and muttered, "Mother."

I laughed as we had dessert.

"How is your grandfather," The King asked while everyone had a piece of chocolate cake.

"My grandfather is well," I said politely, "and healthy as he can ever be."

The King nodded. "That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll make a fine Lady of all the Kingdoms."

I blushed slightly as I put my fork down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I sure hope I can, I thought.

"Oh," The Queen sighed when Wilfred and I snuck a look to each other. "I can already hear wedding bells."

"Mother," Wilfred said again as he almost spit out the wine that he had sipped.

"What," She gave him a look. "I'm just telling you what I can already see. Right, honey?"

The King nodded as he took a sip of his glass of wine. "An alliance with the Nobel family would be an honor."

I smiled as I took a sip of my watered down wine.

"Why don't I get you another glass of wine, hmm?" The King winked at me as he gestured for Claude to give me non-watered down wine.

"Oh, no, Your Majesty, I couldn't possibly--"

He waved me off as Claude set down my new glass of wine in front of me.

"Please, this is a night of celebration!" He said as he raised his glass. "I could have a lovely daughter soon."

I blushed as I raised my glass timidly.

No wonder Wilfred was beet red, I thought as I took a sip of wine. His parents were overbearing, but they seem to be loving parents.

When dinner was over, I think both Wilfred and I were glad that it was over.

After his father had said that he would possibly gain a daughter-- let's just say it got even more embarrassing. Not only for Wilfred, but for me too.

We sat on a bench in the same courtyard as before.

"I'm sorry for my parents," Wilfred muttered as he looked away for a moment, "especially my father."

"No, they were fun." I said as I smiled. Even though they were embarrassing, they were fun...sort of. "I'm sure they meant well by...saying all of those embarrassing things."

Wilfred chuckled as he looked up at the sky. "Yes, they are."

"Thank you," He said after a long time. "For putting up with my parents' nonsense during dinner."

"Your welcome-- and I'm sure most of it wasn't nonsense." Like, us getting married.

Wilfred seemed to have gotten my hidden hint.

A smile played on his lips. "Yes, most of it wasn't nonsense."

"I mean, we should totally do this again." I teased as I laughed. "Just for the heck of it."

Wilfred laughed but there was fear in his eyes when he looked at me. "Sure," He said sarcastically. "Just for the heck of it."

"Eh," I shrugged. "It was worth the try."

We talked, told bad jokes for a little while longer until it was time for me to go.

"Soon," Wilfred said as he gently kissed me on the lips, "we'll see each other soon."

"Soon," I promised as I gently kissed him back on the lips.

Wilfred nodded, and repeated, "Soon." As if it was our little promise to ourselves. A promise we knew we could keep.

I fell asleep on the way home, still buzzed from the wine-- and from the embarrassment that Wilfred's parents had caused us.

All in all, it was fun-- delightful even. I never experienced parents embarrassing their child so openly like that. Maybe I had when I was little, when my mother was alive, but I wouldn't remember.

Thinking about my mother sent my heart aching, but it was painful. It was a dull pain, a dull heart ache.

I was beginning to get over my grief of my mother's sudden death, and I think I have Wilfred to thank for that.

Wilfred was my rock, as cheesy as that sounded.

Author's Note:

Yup. Hmm...when will Wilfred propose? That is the question.

Answer: Soon. He will propose soon.

Until next time, my lovelies.

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