I find the dark

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Even before we entered the loft I could hear the music blaring through the walls. Excitement ran through my veins. Finally I was going to have some fun in this town.

But before I could slide open the large door, Sky reached out and grabbed my wrist. "Wait!"

"Oh my God! Now what?!"

"Can I please just wait in the car?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh my God, no. You need to learn how to have some fun. Honestly, you act like you're the age of my grandma. And she is a very old woman."

"But no one is going to know me."

"Well, you can't meet new people if you spend your life living under a rock." And with those last words I slid open the door to the loft. And I'll admit it. As soon as I saw what was beyond those walls an intriguing smirk crossed onto my face.

"Oh my..." Sky took the words right out of my mouth. This was certainly no ordinary party.

For one, everyone was at least half naked. Some people just decided to go all of the way and only wore their birthday suits. But for the most part many kept their pants on. About half the girls had sports bras and thongs on. The rest just let their items roam wild.

Everyone's bodies had been turned into human art campuses, their skin decorated with bright neon paint. And the pitch darkness caused for everyone to look like human glow sticks. Nobody in the room was standing still. With all of the moving it looked like blobs of lights were bouncing off of the walls. It could cause a headache if you stared at it for too long.

"Jesus," Sky muttered under her breath. I was shocked that I heard her over the blasting techno music. "What kind of party is this?"

"This isn't a party," I told with my smile growing. "This is a rave."

It wasn't too hard to find the alcohol. Yes, pushing through a crowd of half naked people was challenging. Everyone was willing to grind on you. It would have been annoying if it wasn't for Sky who let out a small scream every time she saw something that should have been covered up. That kept me entertained.

But the table covered with buckets and coolers of alcohol was extremely easy to find. Especially since a boy who had to play football with his size was standing right by the table, holding two plastic cups up like they were sacred objects. I couldn't find a part of his skin that wasn't dressed in neon paint. Even his penis was glowing yellow. Of course, yellow was the brightest color on his naked body.

"That's huge," Sky whispered. I snickered.

The boy wobbled over to us, looking ready to pass out any second. I barely understood a word he was saying since he was slurring so bad. "Ladieswelcometomy..." He paused. I'm pretty sure he threw up in his mouth before finishing his sentence. "Party!"

Ah, so this was Tim.

"I don't like this!" I heard Sky squeal.

"Stop looking at it!" I hissed. But I understood why she couldn't. It was so big. And the fact that it was painted yellow and glowing in the dark didn't help.

I wanted to get away from Tim, but the big guy threw his arms over Sky and I. He squeezed us in closer to him, paint and sweat rubbed against my face. The stench radiating off from his armpit was pretty unbearable.

"So this is my party!" He announced with pride. "We got music! We got paint! AND WE GOT THE BEER!"

'That's all I want," I muttered. "And if you let me go I can go get it."

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