Everybody suffers for me

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That night, Sky drove us to Mason's house.

She could tell something was wrong with me. But I'm glad she didn't ask anything. I didn't feel like talking. I just wanted to get wasted.

When we got into his house, I was greeted by the familiar smell of weed and booze.

I realized that Sky was standing close to me. This was probably the most advanced party she had ever been to. Here, you had to be careful with what you drank. You had to be careful with what you smoked.

Mason was waiting for us by the door. A large smile sat on his face.

"You made it!" He shouted over the music.

"Mason thought you might not show," Derrick said as he walked up next to his brother. For some reason, he looked bigger than usual. Maybe it was because the tank top he was wearing was allowing us all to see his giant arms. "He said that you've been acting weird."

"Well hopefully alcohol will fix that problem," Mason said as he handed me a bottle of something. I didn't even bother to read the label. I just chugged it.

"Thanks," I sighed.

"So what's your name?" Derrick asked Sky.

"Me?" Sky squeaked. She was failing to hide her nervousness. "Oh. I'm Sky."

"Derrick," he introduced himself. I watched as he took Sky's small hand in his big hefty one. His smile grew. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Um ok," Sky said. I watched as Derrick led Sky off into the crowd, leaving me alone with Mason.

"So," Mason started as he clapped his hands together. "What do you want to do?"

"Just drink," I admitted as I took another sip of the alcohol. "And drink until I can't feel anything."

Mason's face lit up. "That's what I'm talking about."

In the middle of the night, I woke up on the couch.

I don't remember what had happened. I had just kept on drinking. Mason had been next to me all night. And I had seen Sky once in awhile. I just remember she had been trying to get my attention. But I hadn't bothered to ask her what had she wanted. Derrick had been around too. And he had been having a lot of fun. That's all I remember.

I looked around. It seemed as if some people had left the party. But there were still many people who filled the living room. I didn't see Mason. Or Sky. Or Derrick.

I got up. My head was pounding. I didn't know what time it was. Based on the pitch black sky outside the window, it had to be in the middle of the night still.

I started to walk. I pushed through the crowd. The hallway looked like it had a lot more space. I just wanted to find Mason. He was probably passed out somewhere. I remembered that had been having a lot to drink. Maybe too much for even us.

Finally I spotted Mason. He was standing in the hallway. It looked like he was trying to keep his balance. He was resting his back against a closed door.

I giggled and walked up to him. When he saw me, a panic look washed over his face. I was too out of it to think anything of it at the time.

"Hey," I grumbled. "What's up?"

"Uh nothing," Mason told me. He was standing up straight. His lips were moving but he wasn't saying anything. I noticed that his hands were twitching.

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