I become vulnerable

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My eyes fluttered open. The first thing that greeted me was the familiar bright white walls of a hospital room. The back of my head was resting on a lumpy pillow. I could feel the pressure of a cold stethoscope resting on my chest.

It didn't take long for Robin to jump into my vision. She hovered over me. Concern was flooding her eyes. I could feel her hand pressed against my forehead, as if she was checking my temperature.

"Chloe," she whispered my name.

"What's up?" I croaked.

I heard Ned's laugh from above. "I think that's a sign she's ok."

I tried to sit up, but that just made me nauseous. I felt a soft hand push me back down into the pillow. I was shocked to see that the gentle touch had come from Robin.

I don't think I have ever seen her look her so frightened.

Everything was coming into view now. I was in a hospital room but no wires were attached to me. My legs weren't broken like last time. I could really walk out and leave if I wanted to. Ned and Robin were the only two in the room. I guess Ned was my doctor.

"What happened?" I wondered. I didn't really remember much.

"We think you had a panic attack," Ned informed as he scribbled something down on a clip board. "But don't worry. It's totally normal amongst teenagers. Plus your heart rate and blood pressure returned back to normal. You might have a little headache afterwards but it should be nothing to worry about."

"Thanks doc," I muttered with a slight smile.

Ned smiled back.

I wanted to close my eyes. I wanted to sleep forever. But I couldn't throw myself into darkness without knowing what had happened to Mason.

I had to ask. "Where's Mason?"

"He's getting stitches," Robin told. The fear was fading from her eyes. The old strict Robin was slowly coming back. I could hear her in her voice. "Why were you with him?"

I swallowed. Hopefully I could still lie well even with such a bad headache. "I didn't have a ride home. So I called him."

Robin gave me a strange look. I knew she was suspicious. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I should of," I muttered. I told her this to throw her off my trail. I also told her this because it wasn't totally a lie.

"Well why not call Tyler?"

"Tyler had a lacrosse game. It was away."

Robin and Ned exchanged curious looks.

"What?" I asked, getting a little defensive. "It's the truth."

"Are you sure?" Ned wondered. "Because he's standing right outside."

That took me off guard. Forgetting about my pounding headache, I got to my feet. Ned and Robin were saying words to me but I blocked them all out. I had to see if it was true.

Slowly, I strolled over to the entrance of my room. By the time I got there I felt like I had just run a marathon. I had to use the side of the door to keep myself balanced.

I looked out into the outside world. And in the swarm of men and women in white coats and scrubs I saw Tyler. He stood a few feet away from the door in his away white lacrosse uniform. He was soaking wet.

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