I'm happy again

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That was the first word that came out of Tyler's mouth when I asked him to be my cover up.

So of course I had to ask again.

"Come on, Tyler!" I exclaimed. He wasn't even bothering to look at me. He was just gingerly putting away books in his locker while everyone else swarmed the hall. I would have to get on my hands and knees to get his undivided attention.

"I said no," Tyler muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on! It wouldn't be hard. All you have to do is pick me up from my house. I'll tell Robin you and I are going out. She trusts you. So she'll trust me hanging out with you. We will tell her we are going to dinner or something when in reality we will be going to Mason's house. You drop me off and then drive away. It's easy!"

Tyler turned toward me. He just shook his head and slammed his locker close. "No."

"Why not?" My kind tone had disappeared.

He leaned in, a little too close in my opinion. But I held my ground. I didn't want him to think that he was intimidating or anything.

"Because I think Mason is dangerous," Tyler admitted. "And I personally don't want you near him. Because I think he'll end up hurting you. So no. I won't help you."

I didn't know what to say. I only found my words when he turned his back on me and started to walk the opposite direction. I couldn't let him go. He was my ticket to Mason.

"I thought we were friends!" I called out.

His feet stopped. I knew I had grabbed his attention. Sure, he was probably rolling his eyes at me but at least he had stopped. So I felt the need to continue. "Friends, right? Which means we would do anything for each other."

Tyler turned back toward me. I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't convinced. I had not won him over, yet.

Still he walked up to me.

"Yeah I am your friend," he assured. There was a fire in his voice. It was as if he had wanted to say this for a while now. "And as a friend I am suppose to do anything for you. And I would do anything for you, Chloe. You and I both know that. But it also means that I will protect you. I will watch over you. I will do what I think is best for you. And I don't think it is in your best interest to be with this guy right now."

I was tired of this. I was tired of being talked to like a child. It was time to talk back. I took a step in closer, letting him know that I meant business. "Ok, fine. Don't help me. But let me tell you something. If you were really my friend, you would make sure that I was happy. And right now I'm not happy. Mason is what makes me happy. And if I'm not with him, I'm not happy. So help your friend be happy."

Tyler just stared at me. Maybe my aggressive approach hadn't worked on him. Maybe he would just turn away. By the way that he was looking at me, I couldn't really tell what he was thinking.

Finally he let out a heavy sigh. "Fine."

My heart skipped a beat. "Really?"

"Yes. Really."

I let out a squeal and I lunged at him. My hug was so powerful that it almost knocked him clean off of his feet.

He hugged me back but the tone of his voice was bitter. "Yeah. You are just lucky I'm such a good friend."

I put the theory to the test that night.

The doorbell rang. I sprinted down the stairs as soon as I heard it. By the time I got to the door, Ned and Robin had already beaten me to it. I swear I think that they can teleport.

Robin ripped open the door. I think they were both surprised when they saw Tyler standing at the entrance.

I was kind of surprised too. I haven't seen Tyler wearing anything other than his school uniform or his sports close. So when I saw him in a regular t-shirt and jeans, it was kind of like seeing a new person.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Baker," he greeted with a small wave. "Is Chloe home?"

I waved from behind the two adults. "Right here."

His smile grew when he saw me. "Ah, there she is."

"What are you doing here, Tyler?" Robin wondered.

"I was just here to pick up Chloe," Tyler admitted. "We are getting pizza."

Both Ned and Robin's eyes crossed over to me. I felt worried for a moment. Maybe Tyler's sweet and honest personality wasn't enough to get me out of my grounding.

But Robin actually gave me a smile. With teeth. And warmth behind it. It was kind of terrifying.

"Well just don't stay out too late," Robin told me.

I nodded like the sweet little girl I was pretending to be. "I won't." I turned toward Tyler. "Ready?"

He smiled back. "Let's go."

He started to walk toward his car. I tried to follow but Robin grabbed my hand before I could move any further. She looked right into my eyes. "I'm giving you my trust. You won't break it right?"

I smiled, putting on my best poker face. "Of course not."

Robin gave me a little nod of understanding before letting go. As I walked away from her, I couldn't help but let a little devious smile slip onto my face.

Who said cops were human lie detectors?

Tyler and I drove in total silence. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk until I was with Mason. Mason was the one that I wanted to be with. He was the one that I wanted to see.

So as we pulled up to his house my heart began to race. I was ready. I was ready to be happy again.

And I saw him. He was standing right in his front lawn. His arms were crossed and his shoulders were slouched. He watched as the car pulled up to the side of the curb. And he started to walk toward us.

I couldn't wait. I got out of the car before it was in park. I heard Tyler say my name. But that didn't stop my feet from moving.

I was running. I was running as fast as I could. Mason only walked. But his arms were wide open, ready to take me to my happy place. And I was ready to go there.

I crashed into him, nearly knocking him onto the ground. I let his arms wrap around me. I let him lift me off my feet and spin me around. I buried my nose into his neck and ran my hands through his hair.

"I love you," I whispered. The words came out before I could figure out what they meant. But I didn't care.

"I love you too," he muttered back.

We stayed in that position for awhile. The whole world could have exploded and I wouldn't have even cared. As long as I was with Mason, nothing mattered.

I only was broken out of my moment with Mason, when I realized that Tyler's headlights had evaporated into the night.

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