Some things should stay hidden

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"What's that on your neck?" Tyler's voice startled me. Here I was, smiling like an idiot at my locker as I looked back at that magnificent night Mason and I had shared together yesterday. And Tyler comes up behind me and makes me go red in the face.

My hand slapped my neck, covering up the subtle red circle that rested on my skin. "Nothing."

Tyler smiled at me. "That's a hicky."

"No it's not," I hissed. "It's a birthmark."

I started to walk down the hall. Tyler followed like he usually did. His smile was making his whole face glow. "Yeah a birthmark that just magically appeared last night."

"Ok fine," I snapped. "It's a hicky. You happy now?"

"Yes," Tyler said with a satisfied nod. "I am quite happy."

Before I could give a vicious response, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"Robin gave you your phone back?" Tyler asked as I slipped it out from my jeans. "She must really like me."

"She loves you," I grumbled. "I don't know why."

"I'm charming, I'm athletic, I have nice hair, I can dance..."

"You're obnoxious, annoying, sometimes smell horrible...."

"Watch it, Banks. I'm still your ride to your one true love."

Speaking of Mason, my phone had vibrated because of him. I read the text and I couldn't help but smile.

"What is it?" Tyler wondered.

"It's Mason," I replied. "He just sent me a text saying to meet him at the Lobster House tonight. And to wear something pretty."

"Everything you wear is pretty," Tyler muttered under his breath. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. So I ignored it.

"Isn't the Lobster House really expensive though?"


"Then why is he taking me there?"

"Because he wants to shower you with his love. I think he should. I mean you deserve to be spoiled. Any guy would know that."

I ignored that too. "So, can you give me a ride?"

Tyler let out a sigh. "Fine."

I gave him a bright smile. "Thanks!"

I started to walk away. "I would cover that hicky if I were you!" Tyler called out.

I turned around, ready to shoot him a glare. But when I saw him laughing, the only thing I could do was grin right back.

The Lobster House really lived up to its expectations. The place seemed as big as a subway station, with glass chandeliers dangling from the ceiling and the blood red carpet not having a single crumb resting on it. Everyone was wearing some sort of suit or dress.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable. Ok, I felt very uncomfortable. The last time I wore a dress was...I don't even know. I was so shocked that I actually owned one. And it was black, of course. Robin made me do my hair, since she thought that I was going out with Tyler.

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