I start to change

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Kissing Tyler was the best thing that could have happened for Mason and I.

Robin never asked me where I was going now. She just assumed I was with Tyler. Little did she know that I was actually doing my best to avoid him.

I don't know what it was, but for some reason that kiss with Tyler really threw me off. I couldn't stop thinking about it without my heart rate increasing. So I tried to forget about it all, hoping that the memory would just eventually go away.

But for now, I needed to stay away from him.

Sky noticed that I was keeping my distance.

We were sitting in the library when she noticed me chewing on my pen cap in thought. A book was open in front of me but my eyes were not on the pages.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I lied.

Josh, who was sitting across from us, looked up from his book. "Have you seen Tyler?"

"No," I said in a defensive voice. "Why?"

Josh raised his hands up in surrender. "Relax, it was just a question."

I let out a heavy sigh, trying to forget about Tyler for the time period. I focused on Josh, whose knee was bouncing up and down. He looked like he was running off of a dozen cups of coffee.

It was driving me nuts.

"Can you stop?" I hissed.

"No," Josh admitted with a shake of the head. "I'm kind of freaking out if you haven't noticed."

"Yeah I've noticed."

"Are you nervous about tomorrow's game?" Sky wondered.

Josh just nodded.

"Well don't," I assured. "You guys will do fine."

"I hope so," Josh grumbled as he pushed his glasses onto his face.

Sky stood up next to me. She started to put her books into her bag. "Well I have to go," she announced. "I have to go to chemistry club."

"Geek," Josh teased with a charming grin.

I watched as Sky's cheeks flushed red. "Well, I am number one in the class."

Josh smiled more.

We watched as she walked away. As soon as she vanished, Josh turned to me. He was leaning back in his chair. His feet were on the desk and a pen was in his mouth.

"Would Sky ever like me?" Josh wondered.

I almost gasped out loud. But I contained it. "What?"

"Yeah," Josh sighed.

I tried not to smile. But I failed. "Where did this come from?"

"Well, after you got into the accident and Tyler became your knight in shining armor, Sky and I were left to hang out alone," Josh said with a shrug. "She's pretty cool."

I could feel excitement start to boil inside of my chest. But still, it wasn't my place to say anything. So I just nodded in support of Josh's idea.

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