I watch the world wake up

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So some things have changed.

Robin and I were now on good terms. That was something I had never thought would happen. But here we were, eating dinner at the same table, saying goodnight to each other and actually making each other laugh. It was weird. If you looked at us with a naked eye, you would think that we were and always were a totally functional family.

And I hadn't spoken to Mason in a few days. I told him that he needed to stay away for awhile. Half because Robin was getting suspicious of us again. And half because I just needed space from him. I needed my space from everyone, honestly. I had resorted back to the me that had been around during my parent's funeral, closed off to the world.

Robin was even letting me miss school. We weren't even doing anything anyway. The end of the year was approaching. Plus, the whole school was all focused on lacrosse. Apparently, the team was doing really well or something. They were one game away from getting into the State Championship.

I didn't mind staying home by myself. Robin and Ned gave me the space that I needed. And Mason was respecting my decision of us not seeing each other for awhile. For the most part, my phone was silent.

But one early Saturday morning, before the sun was even up, I heard a knock on the door.

I lifted my head from my pillow, wondering who would be up so early in the morning. And why would they come to our house of all places?

Neither Ned nor Robin got up to go open the door. I could still hear Ned snoring from across the hall. They both had late shifts last night. Not even an earthquake could wake them up at the moment.

I decided to ignore the knocking.

But the person knocked again. And again. And again.

Finally I gave in. I got off from my bed and walked down the stairs, still in my pajamas. The knocking continued even as I headed over to the door.

When I opened the door, I wasn't even surprised to see who it was.

The only person who couldn't stay out of my life even if he tried, Tyler.

He was fully dressed. Car keys were sitting in his hand, making me think that he wanted to go somewhere with me. His smile was bright. It was actually hurting my eyes.

"Hey!" He greeted in his famous upbeat voice.

I tried to close the door on him, but he put his hand out to stop me.

"Ok too positive," he muttered. "I get that. I should've known better."

I rolled my eyes. Tyler was the last person I needed in my life right now. I didn't want to be surrounded by his sunshine and rainbows attitude. I just wanted to be left alone in a quiet dark room by myself.

"Tyler, it's six am," I grumbled as I rubbed at my eyes. "What could you possibly want at six in the morning?

"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok," he informed. That smile never left his face. "I told Sky and Josh I would check up on you. They're worried. You've missed a few days of school."

"I'm recovering," I told.

"Really?" Tyler asked with an eyebrow arched. "Because it looks to me like you are burying yourself in a deeper hole."

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