Lauren's POV
I woke up to the sound of beeping right beside me. I blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness of the light. I sighed and looked to my right and left. No one's in the room except me. I looked down and saw that i am wearing a polkadot gown, this must be a hospital gown.
I remember everything that has happened awhile ago. I remembered stopping Ally and Troy' wedding. I remembered the feeling of her skin touching my own. The hugs, the kisses. Everything.
I smiled as i got up from the hospital bed, i walked towards the bathroom door. I reached the door knob and my hand get passed through it. What the fuck. I tried again but my hand just keeps on passing through the door knob.
I looked at my bed and saw myself lying in there. Tube stuck in my mouth, my face red and swollen. I walked over to my bed and gasped. Am i dead? No, this can't be happening. I can't be dead.
But then i looked at the heart monitor beside me and it's still beating. Normal actually. How the fuck can i walk when my fucking body is lying on the bed? Am i a soul? Is this some kind of weird dream? Because if it is then i seriously want to wake up because this is so freaky.
I heard voices outside the room. I walked to the door and tried to lean myself on the door to eavesdrop but then my body collapses to the ground. My top half of the body is outside the room while the bottom half is inside.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as i crawled outside the door. Fucking shit, i am a soul walking around.
I looked to my right and saw Ally still wearing her wedding dress lying on the waiting area. I also saw Dinah, Camila and Normani sleeping peacefully while sitting up. Dinah's head is on Normani's shoulder while Normani's head is on Camila's. Camila is just sitting up but her eyes are close.
I looked at my left to see my mom and dad talking to the doctor.
"Dr. Simpson, is she gonna be okay?" My mom asked while crying.
"MOM IM HERE. CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" I said but got no response.
"As i've said earlier Mrs. Jauregui, there is no specific time on when she will wake up. We have to be patient about this. She bumped her head pretty hard that's why she's in coma. But for now she is great. Her heart beat is normal and she's sleeping peacefully." The doctor said and walked out. OH, IM IN COMA.
I saw my mom cried against my dad's shoulder and my dad just hugged her and rubbed small circles on my mom's lower back. I tried to hug them but my body just keep on passing through theirs. I can't feel them. I cried and heard shuffling at my back.
I saw Ally starting to wake up, my mom walked towards Ally, passing through me as i was just in front of her. I gasped but got over it quickly and walked to them also.
"Ally, honey, go home now. You're still in your gown, go change and sleep for awhile. I'll wake the others up." My mother said.
"No Clara, i'm fine. I'm not going to leave Lauren." Ally said and tried lying down again. My mom touched her shoulder and prevented her from lying back down again.
"Ally, Lauren wouldn't like it if she sees you like that. You can go back tomorrow, first day in the morning. Lauren will understand, i promise." Mom said and Ally just nodded.
"Okay. Thank you Clara." Ally said and sat up again. My mom woke the three girls up and complied as my mom told them to go home also.
"C'mon Ally, Lauren's going to be okay." Normani said and helped Ally get up. They walked towards the door and exited the hospital. I contemplated whether to with Ally or stay with my body. Ally needs me right now so i think i'm going to go after her. I may not be by her side physically, but spiritually, i am.

Stay With Me « alren »
Fanfictie"No one has ever loved anybody as much as i love you." COVER BY: SLOTHTATO