Two : The Prince Charming

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"Women do not need a knight in shining armor or a prince charming to come to her rescue"

-Bryant H. McGill-


Odette's P.O.V

I feel a huge weigh on my shoulder as i enter the cafetaria, people are sitting in a groups and everyone is just minding their own business, it seems like a typical routine as people already know each other well here, i am just that stranger no one really cares about in here.

I go to the food section and get whatever menu is in there, which is pretty expensive considering it's a high school cafetaria. Five dollars for a small burger ? No thanks.

So i just decided to buy some sandwich and take a seat in the corner, let's just say i am not trying to get any attention.

A ginger haired girl in braids approaches me and takes a seat besides me, she gives me a smile and i return her smile. It wouldn't be that pleasant if we just each our own food without exchanging any words, so i introduce myself first.

"Hi, i'm Odette, Odette Weathern" the girl seems confused for a while, but then she goes and introduce herself. "Amelia Weena Husette, but you can just call me Amy"

She has a really beautiful name, almost like one of those princess name in stories, she is pretty with freckles and hazel eyes, it just, she seems a little bit introvert.

"Where are you from ? You are the new girl, right ?"

Guess everyone in this school already know me, i just hope not everyone know my "marking" here, i don't even know how i got them actually.

"Yeah, i'm from Canada"

She stare at me with confusion in her eyes, i feel like she has something to ask, and she seems to be really confused as of why i act as if i am alone in this place.

well, I am alone in this place

Maybe Amy and I will become friends, that would really be nice. I still miss Ruby and Jasmine, I miss Ruby's blonde hair and pale blue eyes and Jasmine black hair and dark skin, we were always seemed like we were perfecting each other, we didn't care about our racial differences, or what we look like, we were simply looking for friendship from the inside.

Amy is the first ginger friend that i have ever made, and i don't have to look at her from her physical appearance, because no matter what color our skin, eyes, or hair is, we are all humans.

Some people just don't understand thag concept though, which makes me wonder.

As i take a bite on my sandwich i hear people starting to get really loud, i turn my head to see what it's all really about.

Both Amy and i turn my head to see what is it all about, and it turns out to be another round of cliche highschool stereotype story, where a group of good looking and popular guys enter the room making all the other kids go slightly crazy.

Maybe i should stop watching to much mean girls and other teenage stories, but mean girls never get old, right ?

But in front of my eyes, i see the three guys categorized as "the hottest" trio, not included Diego, because Diego pretty much never shows up here ever since i enter this school.

Those three are...

Blake H. Midstone, brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin, a jock and your typical funny guy that can makes everyone laughs, he is friendly, outgoing, extrovert, and a party animal at the same time, but some girls do still like him.

Skylar Eddinburgh, a year older than the other two, blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin known as the genius guy, he always get the first rank in this school, the vice president for student council, has won math and physics competition several times in junior high, and has the most adorable smile ever, he is also known for his puppy look because he tends to act a little bit shy around girls.

And last but not least, the "prince charming" of this school, Tobias Courter, blonde hair, dark strong blue eyes and light skin, with the kind, charismatic personality and super nice appearance.

He smiles a lot and treat women like princesses, but i am pretty sure that is just a cover for his playboy trait, i am pretty good at reading people, and i can assure you, he is a total playboy behind the charming mask.

Just, he is not a bad boy type, for sure.

The kids wonder, how come those guys even become best friends ? Because their personality is so different from each other.

They grab their seat, like usual, they have to grab a seat beside Zara and her group, typical group of friends. Well, or more than friends.

Your popular girls group and boys group gather together to make a name, date each other and become the couple goals and envy of other kids.

But not for me, i was never born to be the so called "popular girl" because just like what they say, the fish pond's rule apply.

"What do you think of him ?" Amy asks me.

"Think of who ?"

"Tobias, of course"

What i think of him ? Nothing.

"I don't know, all that i know is that he is popular and good looking, that's all"

"Oh, really ? That's new, usually new students who haven't known him that well would just fall for him at the first sight" she takes a sip of her coke from the bottle.

"Not really, i mean, we are fifteen, too young for romance, and i just want to focus on studying right now"

She rolls her eyes and sigh.

"You know, you really sounds like my grandma, she tells me that fifteen is too young for romance all the time"

Both of us laugh together, before i realize a black haired girl approaches their seat and talk to Tobias.

That girl seems slightly familiar, where have i seen her before ?

Right, i remember.

She is the student's council president, Maya Louise Andrean, she is in second grade, black hair, pale skin, and dark green eyes, highly intelligent, and has a modern elegant vibe surrounding her, she is also very popular in the school, and the president for debate team as well, pretty much everyone loves her for it, and she is a big primadonna in people's eyes.

But, what sort of relationship do they have with each other ? They couldn't be siblings because they look so different.

Wait a second.

Why do i even bother to know ?

Never mind.

I turn my head to finish the rest of the sandwich and as the bell rings, i say goodbye to Amy, since she is on a different class, and head to my classroom without being noticed.

But that plan also failed as i accidently trip on my own feet right in front of Tobias and Zara's table.

Great, it couldn't get worse.

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