Twenty Three : Trying to Fit in ?

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"Let me tell you something, you can live in a broken home, you can play with a broken toy, but you cannot love with a broken heart"

-Bella Pollen-


Odette's P.O.V

I think my life is over now. Everyone thinks that I am Tobias' girlfriend and sure, now some kids are being nicer to me for whatever reasons, but other's are getting worse.

Now I am forced to sit together with Tobias, Blake, Skylar, Maya, and the rest of the popular kids for lunch which attracts lots of attention, and thankfully I can bring Amy along, but now I can seriously tell that everyone is staring at me right now.

Amy is sitting right next to me, so at least I have someone else who is a little bit on the normal side, because I would feel so left out in this group.

Everyone is buying something, meanwhile, I pull out my own lunch box filled with my mom's homemade sushi. I love her for this.

After everyone is done getting their food, they return back to the table and grab their own seat, and of course, Tobias just has to sit right beside me, wow, what a coincidence.

Blake and Skylar are looking at me with curiosity in their eyes. Do I look like a wild animals or something ? A sea otter perhaps ? No offense, sea otters are cute by the way. But the way they are staring just make me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"So..." Blake opens up his mouth after he swallowed the piece of burger.

"Are you guys really dating ?" I am about to say no when Tobias say yes, out loud.

"Surprising, I just thought that you always has a crush on Ma-" Blake is about to say something when his feet get stepped in by Tobias. So mature.

"Who ?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"No one"

Gosh, this whole situation just doesn't feel right. Something is definitely wrong, and it looks like Tobias is hiding something, but I cannot figure out what it is.

Or can I ?

"Do you guys know why Diego doesn't come to school today ?" I ask out of curiosity. But then some of them have their eyes widen in surprise, while other chuckles, and the rest just simply don't care.

"Why are you asking about that jerk ?" Blake speaks again.

"Nothing, it just, I thought Maya is pretty close with him, so you may know something"

I stare at Maya and she stares back at me with a certain emotion on her eyes. It goes on for a while before I decide to be the first one to cut this and speak up again.

"Well, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to" I say as I hold my chopstick to get a piece of sushi.
Now some of them must think about how rude and bold I am, who cares ? It's not like I'm trying to act all impressive to them.

I'm starting to get sick and tired of playing it nice, the only thing that's holding me back is my promise to him, but I don't know how long I am able to hold things back anymore.

"Well, he can be sick, who knows ?" Tobias says in defense.

"And beside, why would you care about him anyway, you're dating me, Odette" Tobias speaks about it in a slightly mad tone, and I think I'm getting offended by it.

So I close my lunch box and stands up.

"Well, if you're going to annoyed by it, I don't think I deserve to be your girlfriend, Tobias, don't forget, I don't want to be in your world, Tobias"

With that, I excuse myself with a smile to the rest of the group and make my way out. I know i may act a little bit childish right now, but I'm not playing this silly game of fame, okay ? He may do that to other girls who don't mind but I certainly mind it.

As I walk, I can hear some students whispering around, some of them call me ungrateful, but they don't know what I'm feeling okay, and I don't want to shut them and get in trouble so I pretend to be deaf.

Meanwhile Tobias is calling me from behind but I don't care, and I'm not turning back

I walk out, and make my way into the library, I know it has a no eating inside policy, but I lost my appetite already so I don't think I will be eating inside.

And I know that Amy is following me from behind but I just wouldn't stop walking until I finally take a seat in the library. And she goes and sit beside me.

She looks at me and shake my shoulder gently.

"Hey, what's wrong, why did you snap like that ? Did he hit the line ?"

I can't face Amy right now because I'm so annoyed. I didn't ask to get in this mess, and how dare Tobias to even declare me as his girlfriend in the first place.

"I just don't like how things turned out, like, I don't get it, why did Tobias do that ? Now everyone thinks I'm dating him, but I'm not, and gosh, did you see how everyone behaved when I said that Maya was close to Diego, they were acting weird as if they are keeping something, and Tobias was being a jerk back then"

Amy is a pretty good listener and she is truly a good friend, I am basically ranting right now and she doesn't get pissed off by it, I'm lucky to have her as a friend.

"Well, sure, popular kids are jerks at one point, I mean, it has always been like that, right ?"

She chuckles and without realizing it, I'm smiling along with her.

"Yeah, you're right, I just don't belong there"

There is a brief silence between us, and then she speaks up.

"Well, if you're so worried about Diego, why don't you go and visit him at his house ?"

I look up at her and think that it's a really good idea. Well, I mean I only need to gather my courage to do it, but otherwise, that's a clever idea.

"But how am I supposed to know where he lives ? I don't have his address or something"

Amy pulls out her phone and typed in something, and after like a minute or so, she shows her phone screen to me and it reveals an address, along with the home number.

"It's his address and home number"

"That's so cool, how do you do that ?" I ask Amy in amazement.

"Well, you know, my brother is basically a tech nerd and he taught me a lot of things, no big deal"

"You have a brother ?"

"Yeah, but never mind that, now you can go to his house, and see with your own eyes if he's actually okay"

I look at Amy with teary eyes.

"Thanks Amy, you're the best"

"Anything for a friend"

Great, now I'll go to his house.

I'm so nervous.

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