Five : Lady Boss

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"You cannot hide your true self forever"

-Cassandra Clare-


Odette's P.O.V

I am about to spoon my soup when I hear a phone call, it's my phone, and it's right on the coffee table.

"Jacklyn, pass the phone" I say to her who is watching her favorite show. Again. I wonder if she even ever does her homework, but heaven knows her grade is two times better than me, so I guess it's fine.

"Here" she brings the phone over to me, I look at the number and my eyes widen.

It's my ex friend, Richard.

Who is he ? Well, it's a long story.

But keeping that aside, why is he even calling me ? It doesn't make any sense at all, but if I ignore it, it will be a whole other new story.

"Hello ?" I say in a calming tone.

"Hey, what's up OD, long time no hear from you, how have you been ?"

I sigh.

"Um, who might you be ?" I say pretending not to know him.

"Oh, man, how can you forget about your bestest friend, that is rude, you know" he chuckles.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know you, I'm hanging up"

Before I could turn off the phone, I hear him speaking from the other line. "Wait, hold on, I am sorry okay, but OD, you can't possibly forget about me, can you ?"

I sigh, this guy is stubborn indeed.

"What do you want, Ricky ?" Yeah, Ricky is my nickname for him and OD is his nickname for me, but it's not just him, but them as well.

"Is that Rocky Ricky ?" Jacklyn suddenly enter the conversation.

I nod as a signal, and she just moves her attention back to her TV.

"Now, I knew you wouldn't forget, the boys have been missing you, girl, it's been boring without our favorite boss lady here"

I try not to laugh, I really am trying, but my mouth just let go of a small chuckle.

"Nah, don't call me that, you know it makes me feel bad, it's not like I was a leader or anything like that"

"But you were the coolest, man, after you're gone, the whole group is upset because now no one can keep on bothering us to study and do our homework, or giving advice about girls, it's been boring"

I sigh, for the least of time.

"Nah, you'll manage just fine"

He laughs.

"By the way, how've you been ?"

Suddenly, Jacklyn screams out from the living room.


I immediately shut her up, but it is too late, Ricky on the other line has heard it, and I can sense it, from US to Canada, his expression darkens, I don't even know how it works, but it just does.

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