Six : Helping Hand

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"Helping hands are better than praying lips"

-Mother Teresa-


Odette's P.O.V

I swear my body just move on it's own, as one man tries to hit Diego from behind with a plank, my body immediately reacts to it, and without me consciously feeling it, my hands have grasped the plank and pull it hard that it falls to the ground, making everyone's attentions turn at me.

Oh crap, what did I just do ?

"Who the hell are you ?" The leader man asks me in a really dark and threatening tone.


Oh lord, my goodness, what am I thinking ? No one replies like that in this kind of situation.

"You, what are you doing here ?" Now it's Diego's turn to make me feel even more awkward.

"I was just passing by, and I saw you, and this man was about to hit you, so I-"

"You are so careless for goodness' sake !!!" He suddenly half shouts at me. In a pissed off tone. Oh no, I am starting to get pissed off, no one shout at me like that, well, no one did before I moved here.

"Whatever, you take this" the leader is about to punch me before I manage to avoid it. This guy has some nerve of hitting a lady, huh ? Well... He better not.

"You, watch out" he says as he tries to pull my away from the fighting area.

"No !" I say. "I'm in"

My nerves is getting high as I run in and kick one of the man straight in the face making him falls instantly. It's not really acceptable to kick someone directly on their face, but these people are just a bunch of violent bully.

"What the-" one of the man's about to say something when I punch him on the jaw with hook punch, before kicking his stomach until he falls to the ground, great, now my hands are getting warm.

"I should've known, this will be useful one day" I mutter to myself. Just then someone is about to hit me from the back before I realize Diego has taken down the man in a matter of seconds.

Well, now we're even.

"Right, six have been taken down"

I see the leader with one more person that looks the same age as us, and as soon as he sees the other been taken down, he runs away like a coward.

"Damn it, how is it even possible ?" The leader says in a very angry tone.
"Now go, I have had enough today" Diego suddenly says in a low tone.

With a angry expression, he picks up some of his stuff and spit on the ground.

"Tch, this is not over yet"

He runs away and disappear within seconds.

Hah, that was thrilling.

Wait, what ?

Oh no...

Reality hits me as Diego who has been standing behind me clears his throat. I turn my back to look at him with a "I demand explanation" look on his face.

I pick up my glasses that fell while I was fighting, and put it back on.

"It was just a coincidence" I say as I try to cover my lies with my words. I look at him in the eyes so that he will believe me, but fooling the ice prince won't be that easy after all.

"Really ? All the punches and kicks, and your way of fighting, those were all flawless, and you say it's just a coincidence ? And the way you look back then when I told you to watch out, and when you said you wanted to be in the fight, it couldn't be just a pure "coincidence" " he says in a bossy manner.

"I said it was just a coincidence" I say in a confident tone as I try to convince him. Like, who does it matter much ? I was just trying to help, and it was not my fault, my body just moves on it's own.

"Well, I rather go home right now, bye" I walk away from him, though my back is the one facing him, I can feel him staring straight through me.
As I get into my bicycle, he shouts from his spot. "You're that girl from my math class right ?"

I turn my head to look at him, surprised that he would even notice me at all. "yeah" I shout back.
He doesn't reply and only stare at me, which makes me just avoid any more of his presence and starts cycling my bicycle.

I hope today's event doesn't make any sort of drastic difference.

But maybe I am wrong.


The whole class screams in joy as our headmaster announces that the freshmen grade will have a trip outside the city for a whole day, apparently we are going to have a trip to the beach area for the whole day and enjoy one day out from the lessons and all those boring stuff.

The school has always done it like this based on what Amy says, The freshmen get a trip to the beach, meanwhile the juniors go camping to the mountain areas, and the seniors get to have prom and retreat trip in a hotel area.

It's not all that bad, it's just, I am kind of having a flashback when it comes to outdoor trips like this, I don't know, it just makes me remember my friends back then in Canada, when it was snowing so hard and we went skiing in the mountain areas. It was pretty steep but we were having lots of fun and none of us got injured so I guess it was okay.

Before realizing it, I chuckle making some of the student's attentions go toward me, which makes me silence myself.

Geez, where has my self confidence gone to ?

I take a deep breath as the class is about to start. Diego suddenly stands up and approach the guy who is sitting beside me and he looks at him with a stern look.

"Would you mind exchanging seats with me ?" He says in a low tone, making the guy nods his head and immediately pack his back to move.

"What is wrong with him, really ?" I mutter to myself as he casually sits beside me.

"Hey, I want you to meet me after school later"

I hear Diego whispering those phrase to my ears from the back, which makes me question my hearing.

Did I mishear it ?

I try to pretend I didn't hear that.


I am on my way to the bicycle parking area when someone drags me to the side.

I try to shrug this person off but then he whispers in a low tone.

"I told you to meet me after school, didn't I ?"

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