Twenty one : Scent I Hate

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"One day you will wake up and there won't be anymore time to do the things you've always wanted. Do It Now."

-Paulo Coelho-


Odette's P.O.V

Slowly, I feel my eyes open on their own. I can already see the blinding light from the ceiling. And it takes a few blinks and seconds to get my eyes adjusted to it.

Where am I ?

I try to recall back what happened, and after a few minutes of staring a the blank ceiling, I begin remembering what happened at the party. How Zara tripped me and how I fell to the pool.

And then, there was a soft lips touching my mouth. I couldn't see who the person was, but I knew for sure that it was a guy.

Meaning that he kissed me.

Well, it was CPR but still, it was a kiss.

Why am I thinking about this kind of thing right now, like, that is so not important.

I try to take a look around me and then my sense of smell begin working and I start smelling some sort of chemical smell on the room. I look at my own body and realize that there is a patch on my hand. And it doesn't take me so long to realize that I am at a hospital bed.

Gosh, I hate the hospital.

It reminds me of the day when they brought his lifeless body to this kind of bed, but a lot smaller and moveable. And the hospital scent, which is obviously full of chemical and medicine scent, reminds me of the day when they had to bring me in for some check ups on my condition since that day, I had my overall body checked, even though I wasn't exactly hurt, and it pissed me off slightly, because I wasn't even hurt, because he took the pain away from me, he took the hurt in my place, that's why I wasn't hurt. And when I went to several meeting to therapist, even a therapist room smells a bit like this.

I try sitting up, and I realize that there is someone in the couch. I take a focused gaze to see who it is and I realize from the black hair and the overall outfit style that it's Ricky.

He is sleeping so peacefully on the couch, though his head must have felt uncomfortable on the couch side, and he has a thin blanket wrapped on him.

Does he wait for me all the time ?

What time is it now ?

I search around the room for any clock and i find one right on the other side on my bed. I take a look at the number and realize that it's almost morning. It's currently 5.A.M and I need to do house chores today.

Since it's Sunday, fortunately there won't be any school or classes, but still, my parents must have been worried
about me, and I guess I should just go home as soon as possible.

I slowly whisper calling his name. And that seems enough to wake him up. He immediately stands up and approach me. He pulls a chair from the corner and sits down. I can tell he is still pretty sleepy, and he looks at me with a fazed look on his face.

"What is wrong, OD ? Do you need something ?"

I state at him and realize that he looks pretty messy, his hair is all messed up for sleeping and his outfit is totally wrinkled up now. His face looks tired, almost as if he slept very late last night, and yet despite it all he still cares about me. Gosh, I love Ricky, as a best friend. He is like a brother to me and he has always done his best to take care of me like now.

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