Eighteen : The Party

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"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself"

-George Bernard Shaw-


Odette's P.O.V

"So, you're going to go there ?" Ricky looks at me as I grab a piece of white blouse and black skirt from the closet. It's just an outfit that my mom bought for me when I was told to accompany her in her office for a whole day and she needed me to look as formal as possible.

Ricky is casually sitting on my bed as he holds a silly figurine to entertain himself, typical of him.

"Of course, Tobias invited me after all, how can I even refuse ?" I look at him with a slightly annoyed expression.

"Oh, so you like that Tobias guy, huh ? You have a crush on him ?" He looks at me as if he is judging me, and I immediately shake my head.

"No, of course not, why would you think that ? He is just a friend" I tell him in a reassuring tone. Geez, why does he always try to think of me mliking someone, for real, doesn't he have anything better to do ?

"Then what about that Latin guy ? The Mexican boy, what was his name again ???"

"Diego" I reply shortly.

"Right, him, do you like him ? Because he certainly has something for you" he spits words and things like it's nothing. I look at him as I roll my eyes.

"There is no way I like him, or vice versa, because that guy simply hates me, and same goes for me"

I say as I try to get the blouse looking right on me, and no, I already told him to turn around as I change and Ricky wouldn't dare to peek.

"Nah, he totally has a crush on you, don't you see the way he look at you, and also, that weird possessive and slightly annoying attitude of him whenever there is a guy near you ?"

"Whatever, if that's true, I just simply don't care"

I finally finished putting on the whole outfit. And I tell Ricky that it's okay for him to turn around now.

And he stare at me as if he is looking at a new toy in a kids store, an amused gaze.

"Wow, you look like an office lady, maybe you should be a lawyer like your parent" he says trying to give me a compliment, which somehow sounds more like a sarcasm in my ear.

"Thanks but now, I'll just try getting in art school later" I tell him honestly.

"Is that so ?" He doesn't seem to have any opinion on it which is good because I seriously don't need unsolicited advice right now.

"Hey, if you're going, can I come too ?"

I look at him with surprise.

"Tobias will be the one driving me there, I thought you said you hate him ? Besides, this party is in Maya's house, and I don't think it will be a good idea to bring a stranger in"

Then, something just hits me in the head, not literally.

Stranger, but... am I not a stranger as well ? I guess the rest of the kids wouldn't be so happy about my existence as well, especially since they hate me, for absolutely no reason at all.

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