Twenty : Bitter Much

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"The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter"



Diego's P.O.V

I hate hospitals.

I don't know why, for a reason or another, I have a massive hatred toward hospitals, the chemical scents, the panicked looking people, dying people, all of those things make me feel sick to my stomach.

I guess it wasn't always like this, maybe it's because I have to visit a damned place like this all over again back then, when Mama was still sick, but then? who am I to kid ?

She is still sick even until now.

She is dying.

She is supposed to be in the hospital with the best medical care so she can be healed soon.

But my family is too tired to pay hospital fees, so they brought her home, and now, all she can do is lie in bed all day like a living corpse, it's sickening, and it makes me feel bad for her, gosh, if only the damn illness doesn't choose her to be it's home, maybe she wouldn't have to suffer like that, and our family wouldn't be so sick like it is now,  and that is exactly why I am stuck in the twisted situation, and that psycho...

And the only thing I can do right now is play with their game.

And at the same time, there is another girl, another female being that is laying in the hospital bed, someone I know, and though I don't know her that well, why is it that I am worried about her this much ? Why ?

I already have enough problem in my life, i don't need more.

But even so, why ?

Why can't I just ignore her or wait for someone else to save her when she was drowning back then. Why do I even have to bother carrying her to the hospital, why do I have to be here right now, patiently waiting for her to wake up ?

What have I turned into ? Have I forgotten to remain cold.

Isn't it what he always says ?

"Never let anyone in, don't bother with anyone, don't you dare get another girl into your life, if you want your mother to live"

Dammit !

My anger builds up and I accidentally punch the wall in the bathroom several times over. My hands are bruised on the knuckles but I don't feel any kind of pain. I feel slightly relieved instead, and that is when I try to gain my breathing.

Thank goodness no one is here or else a security guard will have come by now. I shouldn't get in trouble at times like this.

As I get out from the bathroom. I see the emo looking guy standing in front of the wall, having his arms folded and he stares at me as if he wants to say something.

"What ?" I ask him as he approach me.

"I gotta talk to you about something"


We are currently on the Starbucks area in the hospital. He ordered an Iced Vanilla Latte for himself and get a Micha Light Frappucino for me. And surprisingly, he pays for it, I guess this guy is pretty generous, huh ?

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