Twenty Four : His family

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"Blood may be thicker than water, but love is thicker than anything"

-Goldie Nash-


Odette's P.O.V

Today after school I decide to pay a visit to Diego at his house, and big thanks to Amy who found his address for me, and I just hope he doesn't notice how I got here or else it will be so awkward.

His house is a pretty nice warm looking house from the outside with two floors, including the ground floor and has two windows on each side, along with a window beside the door. The wall is painted in cream beige and the doors and window frames are ebony colors.

I walk to the front door and try knocking. But there is no answer. So I try knocking again several times until the door opens and reveals Diego in his burgundy red tank top and black shorts.

His eyes widen in surprise as he sees me but he tries to keep on his poker face and has his arms folded in front of me. He look at me in a rather angry expression, which makes me wonder if coming here was a mistake.

"Hi, Diego" I try to start a conversation to make things less awkward.

"Odette, what are you doing here ?"

"Well, I'm just trying to give you this math note, you skipped school today and I thought you may want to have this"

I pull out a Note filled with the stuff taught in math class today, since we also learned some new formula, so I thought that we may need it.

Beside, Amy said that it would be weird to come to his house all of a sudden, so this may be a great way to escape suspicions.

Real smooth, I guess.

He looks at the note and slowly accepts it, and then he sigh heavily.

"Why weren't you at school today ?" I try to ask him the question I've been wanting to ask since earlier, and he couldn't possibly tell me off just like that right ?

"It's... complicated" he says as he averts his gaze from mine.

"Well, I think I should just leave then"

I turn around and about to walk away when I feel his hands around my arm, grabbing it tightly.

"No, please come in"


I look around the inside of his house, this house is pretty big, and spacious to be honest, however this house is pretty messy inside to begin with, it looks like no one has properly cleaned it in a long time, which leaves me wondering, does he live here alone ?

"Sorry for the mess, we don't have anyone to clean all the time"

As if he's reading my thought, he speaks in an apologetic tone, which makes me feel bad about it.

"Do you live alone ?"

Before he could reply, a little girl whit brown pigtails and round brown eyes comes into the room holding a teddy bear and she stares at me with her round eyes and gives me a smile. She moves and sit besides me and I smile back at her.

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