Twenty Two : Parting

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"A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other... Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever"

-Dave Matthews Band-


Odette's P.O.V

I watch as Ricky packs his bag. I can't believe it's already a week since he first surprised me, and now he's already going to go back to Canada already, time sure flies.

"Hey, what's wrong ? You don't look good" he speaks snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"No, I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine" I try to give him a smile, even though it's a forced smile. He sighs, and pulls his suitcase toward the door.

He opens the door and letting me gets out first, and the both of us goes downstairs in silence. My whole family already waits for him in the living room.

My sister approaches him and gives him a big hug. He is one of her favorite person after all. And then my mother approaches him, and give him a smile.

"Thanks for visiting us" my mother has known Ricky since he is little and Ricky is much less like a son to her. My dad remains silence on the sofa as he reads his daily newspaper, which is typical of him, but both I and Ricky knows my dad will miss him in the house.

"You are always welcome here" she smiles to him. He gives her a smile and shakes her hand.

"Thank you Ma'am"

"I'll guide him outside"

I look at Ricky and walks outside and Ricky follows behind me. And as we gets outside, I look at him and try my best to give him a smile, but without me realizing it, a drop of tears fall from my eyes.

"Hey, OD, what are you doing ? Why are you crying ? Come on man, don't cry" he puts down his suitcase and wipes away the tears from my eyes.

"I'm not crying, okay, it's just dust got in my eyes" I say as I push away his hands.

"Well, I'll come back here again during winter break, so we'll see each other again pretty soon, okay ?"

"I don't mind if you don't visit me again" I tell him as I try to avoid his gaze.

"Come on, don't be like that, little swan, I'll be back here okay, beside, we can call each other, and I already know how to use Skype so we can Skype each other"

I look at him and give him a big hug all of a sudden, which seems to surprise him as well.

"I'll miss you" I admittedly say it.

But it's true, I'll miss this annoying friend of mine, who has always been there for me for the most part, especially the hard part.

"I'll see you later, OD, take care of yourself well, okay ? Don't forget to eat lots of food, and you can kick anyone's ass if they disturb you, okay ?"

"You too, Rocky, take care of yourself well, and try to not get in too much trouble at school, yeah ?"

He chuckles at the last statement. I wonder what's so funny ?

His taxi finally arrives and he stares at me for a while before whispering these words i don't ever understand.

"From now on, there will be someone who will look after you"

And with that, he walks and gives me a last smile before entering the cab, and he lets the window open and waved goodbye at me, and I returns it with another wave.

I watch as the cab drives away, and when it's lost from sight, I get back in the house and realizes everyone is already back to doing their own business.

Well, that's my family.


It's time for school again. After that incident at the party the other night, I feel like the kids are more and more strange looking toward me, but I guess I am kind of used to the weird looks from them.

As I get in the class, I realize that Diego is absent today. I wonder where is he ? He couldn't be skipping class right ? Even if he skips classes, he wouldn't skip math because he pretty much likes it.

Suddenly Tobias comes in the room and takes a seat beside me. He takes out some book from his bag and then give me a good morning.

"Are you feeling fine today ?" He asks me the same question ever since the incident. Well, he visited me at the hospital once at the same time when my family visited, and he even went to a trouble of getting me some flowers as well. My family seemed to like him and he seems like a nice guy as well. But the problem is, he announced to my family that he is my boyfriend. Even though I have never truly say that we are dating. It makes it as if he's trying to take control of our relationship, that isn't even romantically at all.

Now that I think about it, I think I saw someone else in front of the hospital's room, but I don't think I could see his face back then. But I know one thing for sure. That person left me with a bouquet of daisies, my mom brought it into my room soon after she found it at the floor.

Who might that person be ?

"I'm fine" I reply to Tobias, and he suddenly grabs my hand softly, and put it in his cheek.

"I'm glad you're fine, I thought you were going to die"


Does he has to say something so embarrassing for the whole class to hear ? Uh, does he forget we are still inside the class ?

The whole room is staring at us now, and it's getting really embarrassing.

I hear someone standing up from behind, and I see Zara approaching us, she has a stern and angry look on her face and she looks like she is about to speak in 101 curse words.

"Excuse me, can you get your filthy hands off Tobias !?"

Filthy hands ? This girl is really getting on my nerves.

I am about to stand up and get mad at her, including for the night she almost killed me. I swear if I tell my parents who did it, they'll hire a lawyer to get her in jail, she should be grateful to me and yet she is being a rude b*tch right now.

But then Tobias stands up before me, and he speaks loudly and clearly, something that I have never thought would come out of anyone's mouth, especially not from one of the Prince at school.

"Don't mess with my girlfriend, Zara"

Oh gosh, I think my life is over now.

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