Thirty Four : When Time is The Enemy

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"The trouble is, you think you have time"



Odette's P.O.V

What did he just say ?

I chuckle as I try to hide my uneasy feeling, it has to be some kind of joke, or maybe he is playing games with me, either way, I don't want to believe in what he has to say next.

"I won't be here after the summer break is over"

Now I am seriously not even laughing. What does he mean by that ?

"What are you saying, why ?"

He has a sad expression on his face, but then he speaks again.

"My grandparents are taking me and Mikhaela to Brazil with them, and I will continue my school there, and probably, I will most likely be back here for college but that means two more years until we can really meet again"

My chest hurts at hearing that. I Don't know why, we haven't even dated for that long and to be honest, I have no rights to be mad at this, because this is for the sake for his future as well.

And it's only two years, let's not even that long and I fully understand that, time will passes by quickly and we will be able to meet again.

But why ? The question is, with the distance that separates us, will we be able to remain as close as we are right now. I obviously have heard about people in long distance relationship and some of them manage to endure the yearning to meet each other in real life for years.

But is it the right thing for me ?

Sometimes I wonder, why do the people I love always leave, both temporarily and forever, and why do I have to hear so much goodbye being said.

"Why didn't you tell me about it earlier ?" I ask him, trying to hold back the shakiness in my voice as I hold back the tears. I shouldn't cry in front of him, besides this is a public place, people will think that he just hurt me or break up with me or something like that.

"Because I don't want you to get upset with it while we are supposed to have fun"

"And you think now is the right time ?"

"I had no choice, the longer I keep it from you, the longer you will resent me for it, so I couldn't take the risk, okay ? It's hard for me too, I know. It's hard for both of us, because right now we are just teenagers who aren't able to live our own lives just yet. We are still tied by a lot of things like our family to live, but believe me, it will be over soon"

I don't know why, but tears start dripping from my eyes as he speaks. I know I shouldn't be so selfish about it and yet I am.

Gosh, Odette, please do not cry, you are stronger than that.

"Hey, don't cry, you'll make me feel bad" he says as he moves his hand to wipes away the tears from her face.

"I'm sorry, I guess it just hits me a little bit"

He sighs and holds my hand.

"I'm not leaving forever I promise, I won't leave you alone again, I'm not going to die and leave you forever, whatever you are thinking, just know that I will be back"

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