Seventeen : Him and Him

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"For some unknown reason, bad boys draw you in despite the fact that they are jerks"

-Alexis Bledel-


Odette's P.O.V

Today is school day and Ricky decided that he will just tag along, which makes me feel pretty uncomfortable especially knowing what my situation is like right now.

I am just simply not the same Odette from before anymore, and there is this tiny feeling somewhere inside my heart that feels kind of ashamed with my current situation.

Some people just don't want their true self to be seen by the people they love the most, and this is my part of that feeling.

But this morning, I woke up, and guess what I see ?

Ricky is sleeping right beside me, in my bed, as he tries to snuggle in and put his arm on the side of my pillow. And I freak out, so without fully aware of it I kick him out of the bed to the point he falls to the ground, with a loud thumping sound. Oops.

I hear a groaning sound from the ground and he sits up as he puts on of his hand behind his hair as he rubs it slowly and flinch in pain.

Gosh, I feel terrible.

"What was that for, OD ? You know you have legs of steel, it hurts you know"

I look at him with an apologetic gaze as I bite the side of my lips in awkwardness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" I try to help him standing up as I hold out my hand to him, and he grabs it and try standing up.

"What were you doing in my room ?, no, in my bed ?"

He looks at me with a grin and speak, "well, come on, it's not like we haven't slept together before"

Hearing that answer, I grab a pillow and immediately throw it to his face.

"You pervert, what the hell are you talking about !?"

He tries to avoid the pillow and say in a moody tone.

"Hey, it's true, when we were little, you used to sneak into my room through the window and we would sleep together, remember ? You said you were scared of sleeping alone so you would ask me to sleep with you"

Now that I think about it, it's true

Well, yes, I used to sneak into his house at night to sleep with him but I was like, ten or something, how was I supposed to know ?

"You didn't think of anything else, did you ?"

I shake my head, no, of course not, I am like, fifteen, how could I think of anything else beside that ? No pun intended.

Beside, I don't have time to mess around any longer as the time is running out and I might get late for school just in case I stay in this bed any longer. So I stand up, go the the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, get changed, and basically waiting for Ricky to do the same before the two of us head for breakfast.

Mom, dad, and Jacklyn are already sitting nicely on the dining table, and they give us a smile when we each take our seat. It's just a simple breakfast that takes less than ten minutes to be finished and right after the last bite is gone I excuse myself from the rest followed by Ricky and like usual, my dad also gets up and prepares for the car.

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