Thirty Eight : Graduation

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"Wherever you go, go with all your heart"

-Confucius -


Odette's P.O.V

All of these years, years of studying and years of drama, stories, and friendship tale, all of those will end and begin at the same time at this very moment, the day where all of the senior students wear a long black graduation tone, and throw their caps on the air, showing their excitement for the beginning of a new chapter in their life.


Today is the graduation day, and everyone is sitting on each chairs that have been prepared for them beforehand. In the middle of the large green field, a stage has been prepared along with the complete audio and sound system for the people who are going to give their speech.

I guess I won't be one of them, because those who give their speech are the people who have made a great impression on the school, Tobias, his friends, our student council president, some of the student councils members, and other kids I am not exactly familiar with.

But that is okay, because these people are the main characters of their own stories, and I guess based on what they have done so far, they deserve it.

How do I feel ? I don't quite know really, of course I am happy, like, extremely happy. I feel relieved because I know that college is going to be much better than my school life, it works that way for the majority of people, and my parents are proud of me as well, because I manage to get a B+ and a few A on my final exams, because they have always had high expectations for me.

And now, it's time for the principal to deliver his speech.

It's mostly about how proud he is, or silly stories he remembers about our class, but the few last sentences of his speech lingers in my mind, and I know exactly, I will never forget it.

"We have been through this for the past three years together, through all of your teenage drama, and all of the wins and loses our school has been through, it will only strengthen us. All of us here are going to be the people who can create a better change for the world and I know, you can be the best version of yourself from here on. Always follow your dream, and no matter what, aim for the best, because you only deserve the best, thank you"

Everyone gives a big round of applause as he finishes his speech.

Be the best version of myself, huh ? I guess that can work. I feel like as a teenager, I was too insecure and I let my past define me, but it's going to be over now, I will aim for the best, and I know I can if I want to, and I believe Diego will do the same as well.

The host grabs the microphone from the principal and then he smiles and speaks.

"Actually, we have a special guest now"

Everyone falls in silence, because this is surely not part of the plan, and I am confused as well, what does he mean by a special guest ?

"It's our long lost friends, who have now returned, why don't we welcome, Diego Montero !"

Everyone gasps in surprise, but for me, I am speechless. Diego's handsome figure comes out from behind the stage, and judging by the look on the other student's face, no one really expect this sudden turn of event.

"OMG, Odette, it's Diego !" Amy who is sitting beside me opens her mouth and she half screams half whispers on my ears.

"This has to be a dream"

I must be dreaming right now. I pinch myself on the arms and it hurts, oh my gosh, I am not dreaming, this is real and Diego is here, and he slowly walks up to the stage and flashes everyone his charming smile.

"It's not a dream, is it ?"

What the heck, I didn't even know about this. Diego didn't tell me anything about him going here. When did he even get his ticket ?

"Hello guys, uh, I don't even know if this is even allowed, I feel bad because I didn't even graduate in here and I get this honor to deliver this speech, I guess I have to thank our amazing principal right there for letting me to"

He turns his head to our principal and gives him a smile.

"What is he doing here ?" I can here Tobias and his group whispers around because my seat is two row behind theirs.

"I had to move to Brazil last year because of my family circumstances, and I didn't even say goodbye to some of you, well, maybe you don't really care about that, but no matter how cold or distant I was in the past, or how much trouble I have caused, I do like this place, and I do like studying in this school.

In this particular place, I had a lot of experience, and I even met the love of my life,"

There is a slight pause on his words and I think at this particular moment, tears has escaped from my eyes and falls slowly on my cheek.

I can feel his eyes staring at mine and he gives me a really warm smile.


Everyone's eyes turn at me right now and I feel so embarrassed in a good sense of way.

"Thank you so much for everything, all of you, I hope, together we can go into a better direction, even if we are separated, and we will go on our own path, remember the moment we have been through, and let us all, never forget this moment"


"Why didn't you tell me you are coming ?"  As soon as the graduation ceremony is over, I approach him and I give him a big hug, gosh, I miss him so much, and now I can feel him in flesh.

He is really here and I am so glad that I can feel him anymore, but I have to ask him this question, because he didn't tell me about it before.

"I want to surprise you, I miss you" he says as he grabs my hand and lean it closer to him and he begins kissing it.

"Diego, I can't believe you are really here" tears start falling from my eyes again, but this time, it's tears of happiness.

"I know, and I'll never let you go again"

And with that, he leans in closer, and begins pressing his lips to mine, and I know that this kiss is going to seal his promise.


Author's Note

Hello Readers !

Thank you so much for reading the story.

I will upload one more part which is the epilogue and I will finish it by the end of March.

I hope you guys enjoy it, and don't forget to vote and comment, I really appreciate them !


Celestial X Cross

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