Fourteen : Confused

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"No boy is worth your teenage years"

-Hayley Williams-


Odette's P.O.V

I seriously don't understand the situation I am in right now. The stare from everyone are making me feel down, and for some reason, I feel like this might be the hardest class I ever experienced this semester so far.

Let me explain this.

Diego is sitting right on my right and Tobias is sitting on my left, while I am in the middle with my glasses, gray sweater, and skinny jeans trying to not attract any attention as I cover half of my face with a mathematic book. I feel a chill down my spine, it almost feels as if there is a snow blizzard on my right and a lava explosion on my left.

And the other kids along with Mrs Dine are staring at the three of us as if it's the rarest occasion they have ever seen, and why am I in this situation ? Well, let's take a flashback to two hours ago...

~Two Hours Ago~

I go straight to my locker after arriving at school, and as I open it, I see a letter inside, oh wow, what an unexpected thing so early in the morning. I hold it and open it, and realize that it's from a random guy, and I don't even know why I get this letter, don't forget that I am the weirdo nerd that everyone loves to bully, and for me to get this letter, nah, I think it's just a prank.

So I try to put it out on my bag, but before I can do so, Diego is suddenly standing right in front of me, and his tall figure easily towers over mine, and for some reason, I'm feeling really nervous right now, like, what is even wrong with me ? It's not like I did something wrong but for some reason I'm feeling so.

He stares at me with a questioning expression, as if he is trying to make me say something, and I get slightly bothered by his presence right now.

"What ?"

I give him a good glare and he has a slight twist on the corner of his mouth, signaling that he is annoyed right now.

"That letter, who is it from ?"

He points at the letter in my hand as he stares at me.

"It's none of your business, why would you care ?"

Oh, his eyes get dark for a bit before he gives out an annoyed chuckle.

"Hah, that's right, you're right, who am I to even bother ?" He has that slight sarcastic tone when he is talking.

And suddenly, Tobias appear out of nowhere as well, and I know his presence is behind me, I guess I have that kind of sharp instinct, or maybe it's his familiar fresh citrus scent that makes me recognize him right away, but this isn't a good thing, no, in fact, this is bad, real bad.

"Hey, Odette, what is that thing in your hand, and why is this bastard here ?"


I turn around to see Tobias glaring at Diego with a really tense glare, almost as if he is ready to swallow this person alive. He easily towers over me and his  blue eyes meet mine, and somehow, I feel guilty.

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