Twenty Six : Another Date ?

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"You only learn to love again when you fall in love again"



Odette's P.O.V

Sometimes, it's kind of crazy that as a teen, you have more problems than the adults. Maybe it's because of the hormones, or maybe it's because of all the adult's mistakes and wishes that are forced and shoved down to our throat.

Even if we are young, we aren't that bad, are we ? I feel like, we are often misunderstood for the stereotypes of young, Wild, free crazy teenagers.

And it's not fair.

But then again, nothing is really fair.

I try to get my mind together. I don't know why, but lately, I feel really down. It has almost been a whole year since that incident, and soon, is the day where that terrifying incident happened. The incident that would haunt me like a nightmare.

I still don't understand to this day, why did that have to happen ? Why did everything end up that way ?

Is it the because of the physical pain I'm feeling today due to cramping, or is it because my mind is playing time again ?

Whatever it is, I have a really bad feeling, like, a bad feeling.

What am I even thinking about ? I should be positive, come on Odette, you're still young, please don't act like a freshly divorced widow.

"OD, Wake up, you said you have a date with that guy today, didn't you ?"

I hear my mom slowly speaks from behind the door. I still have the blanket covering my body and half of my face. I don't want to get out today.

I don't really feel like it, maybe because I'm having my time of the month, or because today is the day where everything started. My body seems to have an alarm to it, and I honestly don't want to go.

But I made a promise with Tobias and I would feel bad if I break it. So I do my hardest to at least sit up on the bed first.

I try to stand up and look at myself in the mirror, My hair is extra messy, I look sick and tired, and I'm still wearing the same pajamas since two years ago. It just got shorter, since I got taller.

Wow, Odette, no wonder no guys like you.

Well, I better get ready. Hope I don't accidentally slip and fall in the bathroom.


I walk down to meet Tobias sitting in the living room, having a chat with my dad, which is quite unusual. Well, my dad does have a liking to proper people, so it's a sign he doesn't mind having Tobias around.

"Odette, are you ready ?" Tobias catches the sight of me wearing a panda printed white t shirt and a black shorts.

"I hope you don't mind me looking like this, and please don't ask why" I tell him as I grab my mini backpack. I don't usually wear backpack. But I just feel like doing so today.

"No, it's fine, actually, I just finished asking your father about it.

"Oh, really ? So, can I go now, papa ?" I ask him and he just gives me a small nod. I smile at him and then gets out from the house, followed by Tobias.

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