Nine : Abs & Bikini

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"The bikini is the most important thing since the atom bomb"

-Diana Vreeland-


Odette's P.O.V

Hands in hand, she clings so tightly onto him, tighter than sticking glue, like, it's too close.

too close.

Well, why do I even have to feel bothered in the first place, I mean, who am I to even bother ? I have seen them together twice, the first one in the hallway, making out to each other, and the second one is when he gave her a ride home, so they are TOTALLY dating.

But my eyes can't seem to avert from looking at them, and that cause something I have never expected before.

Diego, who coincidentally catches the sight of me, begin to stare at me, and the worst part is, Amy notices everything and she begins teasing me.

"So, you're into Diego, huh ?"

"Uh, what ?" I look at her pretending that I didn't hear that, but I guess I am just not that good at hiding things like this, and she lets out of a big grin.

Come on, don't look at me like that.

"No, of course not" I fix my glasses and try to stare somewhere in the beach, avoiding both Amy and those two couple.

It's not like I care anyway.

"Don't deny it, I know you like him" Amy puts her arm on my shoulder, and I sigh.

"You know what, I think I'm going to swim" I say as I take off my outfit and put down my clothes and my glasses on one of the bench, and run to the water, slightly farther then the rest of the kids.

My feet start touching the water, it's cold yet warm at the same time, it's a strange feeling. I mean, it's not like I haven't been here before, but I guess it's because I'm wearing a bikini that I'm feeling a different kind of sensation compared to wearing a diving suit.

My brown hair is slowly getting used to the air and I take a deep breath. Wow, I have never knew that you can feel such tranquility at the beach, if only the music isn't one of those cheesy pop song, and a lagoon tune instead, then maybe I wouldn't be so bothered.

As I am about to get deeper in the ocean, suddenly there are two boys from the school coming my way, One is a blonde white boy, and the other one is a dark skinned boy with blue eyes, and I know their faces and names, but I have never talked to them in any way.

They stop right in front of me and let out a mischievous grin.

What are they planning ?

I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, what'cha doing here alone ?"

I ignore them, because if I speak, the only thing I can tell them is how to speak proper English, and that is not a good thing to be talked to people like these.

"Playing it hard, don't you ?" One of the man suddenly puts his arm around me, which I immediately shrug off.

"Well, missy, we don't know who you are but you are being really rude right now"

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